Ask the library page if she'd like to read it with you

From Create Your Own Story

Her eyes widen, but she bites her lips and looks around furtively. No one else is near you. She kneels behind the counter then quickly stands back up, holding a sign that says 'Back in 10!' She puts the sign on the desk, then scurries around the counter and whispers, "Follow me!"

You let her lead you through the aisles, while admiring her ass shifting back and forth beneath her long, brown skirt. She's very pretty in a bookish sort of way, with brown hair in a ponytail, pleasant glasses, and a figure you know would look fantastic without all those stuffy librarian clothes covering it.

Finally, the two of you walk into a quiet corner nook, blocked on all sides by bookshelves. The only way in is through a tiny opening half-hidden behind one of the shelves.

"No one ever comes here," she says, undoing the ponytail and flicking her hair out. She's much prettier like this, and doubly so when she unbuttons her blouse and shrugs it off to reveal a pink tanktop. "Hope you don't mind," she says, smiling. "Those clothes are just so stuffy." You don't mind, and say as much; the page giggles.

She puts the book on a table and opens it to the first page, then starts reading it to you in a quiet, sexy voice. The main character has apparently just woken up with a hard-on.

With a glance up at you, she says, "Is that alright? Or would you rather be a woman in the story?"

Health Horny & Hormonal Location:

The Library

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Level 2
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