Ask the boy at the Coastal Arcade if he saw anything. (TGT)

From Create Your Own Story

You decide that you've had enough of sneaking into back rooms, so you walk over to the kid playing a game. As you get closer you see that he is a rather fat little kid, probably 12 or 13. His hair is greasy and his eyes are glued to the screen. He notices you approaching and rolls his eyes.

"Hi, can I ask you something?" You say as politely as you can.

"What!? Can't you see I'm busy!" The kid is clearly angry, but he didn't say no.

"I'm just wondering if..." You stop talking as you look down at the golden bracelet and it begins to glow. Suddenly the boy in front of you begins to grow at an accelerated rate.

"Holy shit! What's happening!?" The boy squeals as he grows about a foot, causing his little shorts to rip and his shirt to stretch. "Holy fuck! I'm grown up!" He's right, he now looks to be in his early 20's, and you're just locked in place by shock. "What the fuck, this is awesome! How did you do this?" The boy is excited, but suddenly he doubles over in pain, as his body continues to change. You're still frozen, but you watch as his body is reshaped in a very feminine way. All of his fat is sucked away, as all of it seems to be going to his chest where two breasts are growing larger by the moment. His hair grows down his back, as his ass gets a little extra padding. When it's over, a very confused (And very sexy) girl is standing before you. "Fuck! That felt good!" You're surprised by the comments, wondering what the hell just happened. You want to run, but as the newly minted girl looks at you, you get lost in her deep green eyes. "I guess I have you to thank for this," then a big smile springs to her lips, "I wonder how I can thank you."

"Woah!" You yell as she drops to her knees and tried to undo your belt. You look down at the beauty trying to free your cock from you pants, and think about what you can possibly do.

Name Craig
Sex Male
Location Coastal Arcade
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