Ask her to fuck you in the choir loft

From Create Your Own Story

With effort, you free your dick from her hands.

"Can we go up...?" you gesture toward the choir loft stairs.

She nods. Then she rises, re-grasps your dick and pulls you up there. You break into a trot for your dick's sake and soon you're both in a loft with five rows of pews, an organ and a collection of odd liturgical gear.

Anna wastes no time. She's peeling the clothes off you and laying you down on the first row of pews. In one swift motion, she straddles you with her hands on your chest. Then she plunges her ass down and engulfs your dick.

Your vision blurs a bit. Rather like being kicked in the crotch, and then suddenly finding yourself balls-deep in a sex-starved porn star. She's hurling herself onto you with amazing force. You're grabbing her breasts because - let's face it- they're fucking incredible, but also because you're holding on for dear life.

You lose all control and cum all over her underside, but she lets you know that is no excuse for stopping. She dismounts and grips the balcony's railing with both hands. She speeds her legs wide and bends at the waist. Low.

Between her legs you can see the expression on her face.

Fuck me, it says.

It isn't a request. It's a goddamned command.

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