A new town, a new normal

From Create Your Own Story

John wakes from his sleep fully refreshed. If he ever slept that well, he can’t remember it. A look on his clock confirms, he only rested for a few hours and yet he couldn’t be more energetic. Yesterday seems like the start of a new life and John can’t wait to continue it.

He sits up in his bed and scans his closet for something to wear, seeing that he went to bed stark naked. Hmmmm, nothing looks fitting for what he has planned. Well, I should hit up the mall today. In the end that decision is postponed until breakfast. John throws on an old bathrobe and ties it in a loose knot. Comfy and functional.

In the bathroom John picks up the phone he left there yesterday and checks his messages while brushing his teeth. He's greeted by some good wishes from his hometown friends and a confirmation of his job interview later today. Now that’s a relief.

When his family moved for Lisas new position at work, the move came at just the right time for Janice. Johns little step-sister dreamed of studying art and the rural area they came from wasn’t known for handing out degrees in anything other than … in anything at all really. So Lisa was transferred here, Janice was happy to start at the local university and John, he just went along. Which was fine with him actually. John knew pretty early on, that for him life would never be about some 9-5, working for this faceless corporation or another. Life is about the people you care for, it’s about the ones you love. John is sure about that.

But that doesn’t mean money wouldn’t have it’s benefits… And even though John would have moved to freaking Alaska for his family, you can’t eat love. Love ISN’T all you need.

Long story short, John needed work and as it turned out, his dream employer would give him a chance to prove himself.

Lost in thought John reaches the kitchen. While entering the room, his senses are flooded with perfection. The smell is the first thing he notices. Sizzly bacon with extra pepper, his moms specialty, and scrambled eggs on the side. It washes over him and his mouth start salivating. But wait, there’s more. Something more subtle. Something sweet. Pancakes. Pancakes with blueberries? Truly a breakfast for champions.

Next are the sounds. Pondering his life choices, John had completely tuned out the sounds he now notices in full. The radio is on full blast, some random pop hit playing. But that isn’t the only source of singing. A familiar voice has joined the starlet going on about fun in the summer sun. It’s Lisa joyfully singing along, with as much gusto as a woman 15 years her junior.

And boy does she move that way. Hearing her melodic voice singing about living life to it’s fullest drew Johns eyes to her. She’s a sight for sore eyes. Lisa dances around the stove, swings her hips this way and that, while flipping pancakes with one hand and shaking the bacon to keep it from burning. John can’t remember when he last saw her this lively, if ever. Being extra careful, he waits for her to set down the pans for a moment before making his entrance.

“Well, seems like someone had a good nights sleep.”

His caution had been just right, cause as Lisa hears her stepson, she turns around at the speed of light, the food forgotten in an instant.

“Good morning, Mister! Nice to see you up so early. I was about to wake you, but I couldn’t remember if you wanted to sleep in or not. And I made breakfast! If you wouldn’t stand up before I leave for work, I wanted to at least leave you with something. A little head start, right?”, her smile turns from earnest to playful at that last line.

“Yeah, something like that”, John returns her saucy smile and moves for his usual seat at the table. Realization dawns on Lisas face and she rushes past him. She pulls out her usual seat at the table and gestures for him to sit down.

“I ,ehm, well, I didn’t get to set the table properly yet, but please have a seat.”, for a moment she averts his eyes and looks at the floor. Even half-hidden, her face shows how proud she is of herself.

Lisa at the head, Janice on her left and John on her right. That’s the way it had always been. That’s just the unspoken law of kitchen table etiquette at the Williams household. They had spent dinner time apart yesterday, so this was the first family meal in the new town. But changing that dynamic seems…. You know what? It seems just right, John concludes. He’s the man of the house, he’ll sit at the head of the table. Time for some new traditions.

“Don’t be hard on yourself, sweety. Breakfast smells divine and the table looks just fine to me.”

Lisa exhales relieved at his compliment and heads back for the stove. She returns with her arms full of food and sets them around the table. Like a dog that brought the newspaper, her gaze seeks Johns approval. As his answer he gestures to his still empty plate.

“Oh, of course. Here have some eggs and bacon. I made it extra crispy and added that secret ingredient you like so much!”, John has to chuckle at that. His mothers “secrets” might not require a mastermind to unravel, but she has fun thinking she’s a mix between world-class spy and master illusionist. So John likes to indulge her and play along.

“Yes, if I ever found out what that is, I could as well make my own breakfast. And we wouldn’t want that. But even if I knew, I doubt anyone could match yours. You really are a goddess in the kitchen.”

Making such a mature woman blush, really is an accomplishment. And John savours every moment of it.

“Good looking and a charmer to boot. Aren’t I a lucky lady~”, she stands behind him and caresses his shoulders.

“Shouldn’t you tell me I’ll make a lucky lady really happy some day?”, he teases her.

“But you already do that now~” their eyes meat and an unspoken truth lies in the air.

Lisa has been his mother for a long time. John can rarely remember a time when she wasn’t. But that is over now. She doesn’t even see him as an equal anymore. She is his woman now and he is in charge.

“I’m not interrupting, am I? Sorry, I overslept a little. I just had the bestest dream ever and didn’t want it to end”, Janice enters the kitchen and throws an almost shy grin at her big brother.

“Ne-“, Lisa starts, but John grabbing her hand stops her.

“Next time you want to sleep longer, you’ll just have to go to bed a little sooner. Your mother needs to be at work soon and you know how important it is to her, that we share breakfast as a family.”, John finishes what she started.

And judging by their reactions, both women wanted him to say just that. Lisa rubs her thighs together and she directs a smoldering look at him. Janice bites her lip and looks at her feet. Looks like John telling her what to do has a different effect than when Lisa does it. Usually Janice just ignores any parental guidance. Yeah, suuure Mom and a dismissive hand gesture, are her most common answer.

Not to this however.

“Of course. I’m sorry, you had to wait course of me. I’ll do better next time, I promise.”, she looks at John hopefully.

“Oh don’t sweat it darling. Have a seat and take some pancakes, they smell delicious. Don’t they?”, he pulls the chair to his right out for Janice.

“Yes, they do. Really good work, thank you Mom!”, she sits down beside you.

The last time Janice was this chipper in the morning was probably some birthday as a , so Lisa is stunned a little at her teen daughters honest compliment.

When all three are seated and John looks at the beautiful woman and the cute teen doll beside him, his cock reacts accordingly. His bathrobe is getting tight, but it is knotted lose enough, that a little shake is all it takes to free his cock. Now that his hardening meat is released, he sees that warm summer weather and the stuffy robe got him to sweat a little. Lisas nostrils flare visibly and her eyes are drawn to his loins. God, how much does a woman have to sniff boxers to be this imprinted on my junks smell?, John is equally amused and turned on.

Lisas gaze moves up to his face and her eyes seem to ask for permission. A wink of John give her just that. At once Lisa hand moves to his balls. She touches all around them, her fingers trailing along invisible little patterns. It ends on the base of his half-hard cock. Just to taunt her a little, John twitches his dick and makes her gasp. She pretends nothing happened and engages Janice in a conversation, that John doesn’t really care about. He has more pressing concerns., Lisa starts to jerk him off in earnest now.

What a way to start his day. Truly satisfied, John takes another bite from his eggs and enjoys the moment. Whenever Janice looks his way, she must clearly see what’s happening. Which isn’t a tough job, considering John doesn’t even attempt to hide what’s happening. Why would he? This is his life now. And Janices flirty looks suggest she doesn’t mind one bit.

Breakfast just flies by. Turns out an experienced MILF stroking your dick and blueberry pancakes make for a great pastime. But a look at the clock tells John they should leave soon. Lisa needs to go to work and even if Janice doesn’t have any courses on a tuesday morning, a little bonding with other students wouldn’t hurt.

“Ok, we should wrap this up, can’t sit and dine here all day. Janice would you be a dear and do the dishes?”

“Sure! Mom did the breakfast, the least I could do is tidy up a little”, the conversation with her mother ended instantly, Janice stands up and starts jumping back and forth between kitchen and dining room.

Lisa gets the hint and picks up her pace. The comfy dick-massage transitions into a rapid sequence of long strokes. This is gonna be a big release.

“Did you eat your fill baby, or are you still hungry?”

“I might have saved some room for a special treat~”, she winks and gets down under the table, but doesn’t interrupt tending to his meat

She gets between his legs and is once more captured by his manly musk. Just being this close to his fleshy pillar and having his aroma fill her lungs, makes both her mouth and her pussy drool.

“God, you are perfect~”, she says more to Johns cock than him.

John could have cum for some time now, he’s just waiting for the right moment.


Lisa opens wide and throws her mouth on Johns cockhead. That’s the moment. He let’s her bob her head a couple of time to get acquainted and then let’s lose his morning load.

“If you don’t need anything else from me, I’ll be on my way”, Janice, having finished her new chores, asks from the doorframe. She sounds shy, but with a hint of hopefulness.

“No, we’re just finishing up and then we’ll also leave. It’s fine. But Janice dearie, we need to have a little discussion over dinner, so be here around 7.”, John has his eyes closed, riding the high of his last spurts filling Lisas throat.

Janice turns around and is about to leave, before she mutters, almost inaudibly quiet;

“Yes, Daddy”

Explore town, make mom call in sick or go visit Richs house?

Show mom what a man you've become (+1 Alpha)

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