A Vampire Hunter's Love Story(for girls)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:52, 15 March 2009 by Animagical (Talk | contribs)

Your name is Crimson and you were born to kill vampires. That's all the world has been to you, a bloody battle between you along with others who have the hunter's mark and the blood suckers. When you were born you had a birthmark that signaled you out from the rest of the children who had been born that year. A birthmark that was the emblem of a secret vampire hunting society. Since the you have been undergoing serious training to make you the hunter you are today. You're superior tells you that you have done more hunting than a normal 16 year old rookie and deserve a day off.


Say "Thank you but no sir."

Say "Yes sir! Thank you sir!"

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