Go out(IE/WM)

From Create Your Own Story

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On a second glance in the mirror you realize you look a lot like your sister, and even though she's away at college. You remember her calling to ask mom if she had left her ID behind and mom telling her that she'd put it in her room for safe keeping.

You search your sister’s room and find the ID, regretting the fact your sister took most of her best clothes to college but you manage to find a black leather skirt and a red blouse. You quickly put on her clothes and continue searching the room. You find one of her old purses where you find the ID card and some money.

You check the clock it's just approaching midday. You reckon mom won’t be home until about midnight, when she will go straight to bed and not wake until about this time tomorrow. Now all you need to do is get into town.

Do you?

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