Serenity: continue through the forests

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Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 100 Gold: 50 Active effects: None

Location: Deepwood

Serenity was loosing her patience. Time is money and if she was heading in the wrong direction, then she'd best head beck the way she came from and and try again in the morning. The sun was beginning to sink into the sky and was leaving a bright orange glow with a few stars coming out to illuminate the night sky. The sky darkens with every minute passing making Serenity's quest more daring. The forest was much more dangerous at night and wouldn't be worth the 600 gold that the bounty promises.

Serenity was having enough of finding nothing and spins around to retreat for the night. Just before she could get a more on, her ears pick up on some chatter deeper into the woods. Crouching low and creeping like a feline hunting its prey, Serenity spots a fiery glow that shines through the brushes and leafs. It was clearly a campfire that has been freshly made and lit, it became obvious that her objective lays here.

Watching her feet to make sure she avoids stepping on twigs and dry leafs, Serenity halts her advancement and stares through an opening of trees that both gave her a clear view of the campsite and concealed her with the shadows. The red flag that motions against the wind clearly shows that bloodthirsty bandits live here. The black skull with knifes crossed behind it printed on the flag was indication of the Skinner clan. Serenity was now in no position to head back from where she came from, it is time to rid of these murderers and to soon collect her payday.

Serenity has a few options presented to her. Two men now sit at the campfire trying to fight off the cold night while another one sleeps on top of a skinned wolf pelt with hay spread out below. Three of them were now in sight but Serenity could have sworn that she saw another two head off somewhere into the shadows where the rest of the camp expanded. As far as she can tell, there were 5 men that she has to take out.

Serenity: strike the camp

Serenity: sneak around

Serenity: stay put and scout more

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