User talk:Platypus

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:50, 24 May 2017 by Fredhot16 (Talk | contribs)

Since this page has become rather cluttered, I've moved old discussions to the archive pages below. Feel free to leave new messages here. I'll get back to you ASAP!

>Add new comments below by clicking on the 'edit' button above. Do not add new comments to the archives.

@Platypus, Thanks lad! --YouCouldMakeAReligionOutOfThis 21:12, 22 May 2017 (UTC) // Reply was at 5:12 pm, Boston Time

@Platypus, I apologize for making my first entry here so sloppy. I occasionally write, but not all the time, resulting in a wobbly mess of a entry. With Sincerest Apologies, YouCouldMakeAReligionOutOfThis // Reply was at 1:41 pm, Boston Time.

@Platypus, you mentioned that I (@Oddbeach) forgot to include a category bar. Would you please tell me where I make this mistake? Thanks :)

Is there a way to change the name of a story the easy way without having to change all the categories, too?--Fredhot16 8:40 (Louisiana Time), 6 March 2017

Is it O.K to delete stories that have a few pages and that nobody has worked on for what seems like forever? Or at least move it to the pit?--Fredhot16 15:14 (Louisiana Time), 20 May 2017

Hey. Mind fixing the Main Page? Just reverting it should be enough.--Fredhot16 18:49 (Louisiana Time), 24 May 2017

@Platypus, in response to your reaction to my (Rogan-thumb) addition to you story; I was wondering whether it would be okay if I were to continue making additions and edits, or if you would prefer me to step back? Which I will happily do so.

@Platypus, understood. I will attempt my own story at some point. Thanks for the tips and the criticism. I'll aim to improve in future. --Rogan-thumb


Moving project

Hi Platypus,

Would you be interested in moving the project to its own domain and server? It's become painfully clear EditThis is not capable of supporting the project's infrastructure and is hindering the continued growth of the project. I've noticed several issues which are causing problems for CYOS:

  • The throttling is disrupting both readers and writers from fully enjoying the stories.
  • Excessive abuse filters are causing administrative issues for you.
  • Lack of anti-abuse tools makes it extremely inefficient to counter abuse.
  • Extremely outdated MediaWiki installation which hasn't been updated in nearly 8 years.

We can fix all of the above problems and implement a mass undo feature, a mobile version of the website, and do much more to create a modern CYOS-type website once we move to a new domain and server. Since CYOS doesn't allow user to user emails, could you perhaps contact me at to discuss specifics? Thanks. Spider 21:47, 8 March 2017 (UTC)

Ya, it's just the actual lead administrator isn't reachable and appears to have abandoned the project years ago for you to run. There's really nothing stopping the members of the community from getting up and moving their stories and content to a new website that's actually managed and has the features CYOS needs. For example, I think an actual notification system (see the Echo extension available for MediaWiki) would be helpful for writers to keep track of new story developments. There are lots of useful features available to newer versions of MediaWiki. I think also thinking of a client-side story customization tool, which would allow readers to customize the names and other parameters of stories without changing the story for everyone else. In short, there's great potential in the project, but EditThis is hindering progress. Spider 16:27, 9 March 2017 (UTC)
So what's your verdict on moving? Individuals can of course move stories, but a mass organized effort would probably be better and help build an actual community on a new platform that's actually maintained. Spider 17:04, 9 March 2017 (UTC)


Sorry Platypus, but I will let you deal with User talk:John Smith and his new SSR pages You must be mistaken and Rip open the Peace Corps girl's shirt. I thought about adding the category to those pages and sending him a warning, but since that is your story, I thought it would be better to just let you know and decide if you wanted to just fix them or delete them, and how you wanted to warn him. Anyways, just letting you know. Feel free to stop by my story and let me know what you think if you have the time ^.^ Working hard on it, but not sure if it is good to go into the details that I am. btw, the story is Masochist me. Well, the one I am working on currently. --Dirty Me 08:55, 22 March 2017 (UTC)

Okay, I have asked Teejay, but, he isn't really that strong in critiquing. I have been trying to write my Masochist me, and been hung up on my training. I am enjoying writing it alot, and trying to make sure that the reader actually understand sex, as opposed to some of the stuff that ends up in the stories on here. But, I was thinking. I am wondering, should I even bother writing this? I mean, the entire story, while it will have some vanilla sex in it, and might use a little of the current material I am writing as fodder, it is not really "the story". I realize that there are many stories here that have inconsistencies, and go off on some side thing that have nothing to do with the plot, but I am wondering if there is any use in all this research and writing. It helps, slightly, to highlight the main character, show the reader what she is like, what she is experiencing, and compares and contrasts some of the differences between her and a normal, vanilla woman, so I know it isn't completely pointless. I am also having fun researching the different steps in sex, and trying to teach the reader about human sexuality, but it is not an educational story either. Can you let me know your thoughts? Is my The teacher part of the story pointless, a waste of time, etc? Will readers even care about this part, since they are probably coming to the story to read about a woman being slapped and hit, tied and bound, tortured and humiliated? I mean, to me, this feels needed, just to get the users to think about the world she is living in, and about who she is herself. But, well, I am not the other readers on this site. Am I going to far, and should stick to simple, "I moaned as the paddle fell across my ass, red welt left behind. He grabbed my hair, forcing my head up from across his knee, and held my gaze to his. "Are you going to be good now, or do you need more?" I shot him my best defiant look. "Well, in that case," with that, he stopped talking, shoved me back over his knee and brought the belt down over and over and over again. My ass was on fire, which only make me wetter, and forced me to moan and scream, cry and kick harder. God, I was about to climax from the sheer sweetness of the pain, mind wrapped in a blissful haze."

Also, is what I am writing on the teacher page any good? Is it redundant? Too long? Does it captivate, or just bore? Is the writing style okay? --Dirty Me 07:44, 31 March 2017 (UTC)

Simple Question

Hey, Platypus, I seem to be having a rather strange issue, and since you seem to get around in this site, figured I would ask you. I'm working on my story Fallout: New Vegas, and having a small issue with the category pages. More specifically, the page counter. On the "F" page, I tried to configure it like other stories to count the number of pages in the category "FNV". When I am logged out, the counter says one page. When I am logged in, it says the actual amount (still small, just starting), but I would like to figure out why this is and how to fix it. Anyways, whenever you get a chance if you could look at it or give me an answer it would be greatly appreciated.

Well, thank you anyways for the help, it would have bugged me for a while.

Hola i need help creating a story but i dont know how to make a you choose story plz help me-Elementor11234 p.s. sorry for editing out your stuff.



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