Valiantly agree to assist her.

From Create Your Own Story

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Seemingly the very embodiment of the valorous hero she'd prayed for, you agree to aid Roxanne - and so intense is her joy that you find yourself lowering your faceplate again just to hide your blush.

"My hero...!" she squeals, rising rapidly to her feet and jumping up and down in a very unpriestess-like fashion. You're glad of the fact she can no longer see your face; it's impossible not to focus on her gravid, jiggling mounds as she bounces gleefully in place, the spectacle only ending when she stops to throw her arms around you and nestle into your chestplate.

"I'm so relieved... I had wondered if my prayers would ever be heard." she sighs, gaining a downcast expression as she continues, "I n-never made a very good priestess, you see... The other priestesses always laughed at me. Gods, the head priest would not have even let me into the convent if I hadn't..." She trails off suddenly, blushing furiously and breaking off her embrace before revealing specifics. Her expression remains somber for only a moment before she regains her composure.

"...But no more of that. You've proven that I'm worth something after all - and I will be forever in your debt, Ser Maxwell." she says, smiling sweetly. You nod stoically in return, which draws a girlish giggle from the lips of your charge.

"The brigands?" you prompt softly, and Roxanne giggles again and looks vaguely sheepish as she realizes that she'd diverged from her main point.

"O-of course, sir knight! They lie in wait to the east, along this road. They accosted me as I passed, demanding gold and... Other things..." she huffs, brows knitting angrily at the mention of the vagabonds. "I only just managed to get away! It was a long crawl through the bushes to be sure that I'd escaped them - I nearly lost my habit." She gestures for you to follow as she begins to detail the criminals' location, and the two of you set off down the road while continuing to converse.

"Why must you pass them? Are you returning to your convent?" you ask, finding that an uncommon tenderness has seeped into your voice. You feel an inexplicable connection to this girl, for some reason - for her, your affection seems to flow easily. At the sound of your tone she glances over to you with a blush and a look of mild surprise, shifting into a demure smile as her dark eyes return to the road.

"No - it is many miles from here. In fact I've taken leave to visit my father, and have journeyed long already." she explains, stubbornly wiping at her eyes as the tears begin to flow, "In fact, these bandits have set up their toll very close to my father's farmstead in the woods... I w-worry for him... It's part of why I chose to call upon you, sir kni- I m-mean, Ser Maxwell." Her eyes glitter through the tears as she casts you yet another glance of gratitude, brightening considerably when you rest a comforting gauntlet on her shoulder.

However, the tender moment doesn't last long - as you round the next bend you're met with a gang of sharp-toothed bipedal reptiles, most of whom are clad in leather tunics and hose... Though some are entirely nude, leaving their monstrous, scaly members to dangle lewdly between their legs. The bandits glower and hiss at your approach, many of their eyes fixating on Roxanne and causing her to shrink behind your back as you stride up to them with confidence.

"I will declare this only once." you state in a voice hard as iron, pressing your swordtip to the ground and resting your hands on its pommel, "Allow me and the girl to continue in peace, or I will end every one of your wretched lives."

A stunned silence falls over the reptiles as you make your stand, and only their leader eventually works up the courage to speak; "You ssstrooong..." he rhasps, "But sheeee... Essascaped usss... Beautiful, mm... My men want her. Demand her. Give her, and you passss... Alssso, we give you our prissssoner..." With that, he turns to his nearest henchman and whispers something that sounds like; "Bring blue fox."

Intrigued enough to stay your hand for the moment, you remain unmoving as the robbers scramble to produce their prisoner. Eventually two reptilians return with a long wooden pole supported between them, an unconscious anthromorphic vixen dangling from the pole by the straps that bind her wrists and ankles. With a nod from their leader, the two henchman nervously carry her before you for inspection.

You gaze down at the vixen, taking in the unusual sight with a mild sense of awe. Though neither you nor Roxanne are lacking animalistic attributes, this woman posseses a great many more. Though she obviously walks upright, (when not dangling unconscious, of course) her pawpads, blue-furred body and feralish muzzle all suggest a strong animal ancestry... But her sensational curves and strange, revealing garb do much to distract from that fact.

All told, her body is lusher than Roxanne's. Though the priestess certainly has a prodigious chest, this vixen's mounds easily rival them in size... In addition to her possession of deliciously thick thighs and hips, a tremendous, fleshy ass, and a slightly chubby hourglass figure. Best of all, she wears only a smattering of golden bands on her arms and legs, leaving everything from her belly to her rosy nipples exposed - even her filmy loincloth, her one proper garment, has been unceremoniously flipped up to uncover her tailhole and bare, gleaming sex.

You feel yourself hardening at the sight of her, and the reptile leader's offer remains fresh in your mind... They would offer you free passage and this unconscious vixen for Roxanne... But what would befall your charge if you abandoned her to them? And what more would befall this vixen if you refused their offer? Your head spins at the ethical possibilities... But after a moment or two of reflection, you commit yourself to action.

Slaughter the brigands to the last man.

Agree to the exchange of Roxanne for the vixen and free passage.

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