Serenity: to the park

From Create Your Own Story

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A breeze swept across Serenity's dress and blonde hair making it flow in its direction as she stepped off the bus. The sun shone brightly on Serenity's tan skin, it brought out the light blue color from her dress. Straight ahead of Serenity was the entrance of the park with many people flooding the entrance. Hedges with many varieties of flowers growing inside it acted as a boarder for the park. Walking passed the gates Serenity walks inside and awes at the many different activities that can be done here. The gravel under her blue heels crunched as Serenity slowly walked, she improvised on what to do first.

Grasping her attention first was the screams coming from the very far end of the park. A carnival ride that had two long metal arms that allowed four people to sit on each side as it span around vertically in a very fast motion.

A group of young kids suddenly shove Serenity to the side making her slightly loose balance as they rushed to the clown making cotton candy with a large humming machine. Besides the clown was an identical clown making balloon animals on the side.

Looking to the east of the park stood large, long trees that shadowed most of the park from the sun. Serenity noticed a few people in tight outfits and sweaters as they jogged along the path and into the bushy looking forest concealing them.

Serenity nearly had all day to do all these activities, but what was she going to do first?

Serenity: go on the rides!

Serenity: buy some cotton candy

Serenity: venture through the forest

Serenity: I have to pee first

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