Deamon soldiors:
From Create Your Own Story
Personal Stats
Physical description : _______________. (A description of her appearance)
General personality : __________________________________________(her most common behavior)
Combat Stats
Weaponry :
Favorite Weapon: A havry sword and a shild, Combat power : 35.
secondary weaponry gret two handet axe (can break abut enything) : 30
Unarmed Combat Power : 10. (no real trining)
for the statistics below, please choose between : (listed from lowest value to highest) None | Limited | Low | Medium | High | Very High | Unmatched. Hint : A Character with its own strengths and weaknesses has far more personality than a 'perfect' one.
Abilities :
Strength : _______. (Your characters physical strength, used for moving heavy objects or taking down enemies.)
Speed : _______. (Your characters movement speed, this allows running from slower enemies or pursuing them, as well as giving you an edge in battle.)
Endurance : _______. (This will reduce damage to health and stamina from physical actions such as fighting.
Willpower : _______. (This will allow you to resist temptation or mental control, Or keep standing where others would fall.)
Magical Ability : _______. (The ability to cast spells/use enchantments)
A list of spells known by the character and their description. (see : The Spellbook)
Offensive Spells : (Directly damages your enemies (need a fire? ..))
Defensive Spells : (Shields the caster from hostile effects or physical damage. (certain defensive spells like 'static shield' may damage attackers instead)
Enhancements : (strengthens yourself or lends extra abilities (flying, water walking..))
Curses : (Weakens a foe or prevents them from using certain abilities (like a no-healing stigma..))
Practical spells : (useful non-combat spells)