SM:Ignore the Boy Again

From Create Your Own Story

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You shrug, and lean your head back.

One of the other patients springs into action, quickly closing the distance to the boy and grabbing hold of him. Out of the corner of your eye you can see them trying to dislodge the swallowed object.

As the last ten seconds of your life ticks away, you hear the clinging of a coin hitting the floor and the father pouring praises on the good samaritan.

The nurse enters the room again and is about to call another name when a blindingly bright white light suddenly erupts from behind her. You instinctively cover your eyes with your arms to protect yourself.

It doesn't take long to pass, and once it does you find yourself sitting in a black abyss. There is nothing around you anymore but darkness: no boy, no father, no people at all or any kind of objects. You can't even see what you are sitting on anymore.

"How cold of you to ignore a choking boy," a voice says, eminating from behind you. You recognize it as the same voice that you struck the bargain with an hour ago.

You turn in your chair and find yourself looking at some sort of phantom which is floating off the ground. It is made up of a hooded black cloak and featureless, white procelain mask where the face should be. It has no discernable form or body, and you can see only black through the mask's eye sockets.

"You seem to hate children. The last minute of your life is ticking away, you have a chance to save someone, and you choose to let someone with far less to lose do what you could have. No matter. I suppose that is just something I can use now to entertain myself at your expense. As you can guess, I am here to collect on our deal," the phantom says. It turns, and floats off into the abyss as you feel yourself rise to your feet and follow it. You cannot seem to stop yourself as your legs move against your will.

"I hope you can learn to like children... or you are not going to enjoy your time with me very much at all," the phantom adds, followed by emitting a cruel, haunting laugh.

You get a strong feeling that this phantom is not going to be letting you go, even after you've paid off your debt. Learning to like children... you aren't too sure on that one.

Game Over: You belong to the Phantom now, and forever.

Restart -- Quit
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