VRX 9000: Sex Games / Melissa enjoys Dana(A)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Winter Cabin: Multiplayer

Battle Royale: Part 1


Finally shoving handcuffs on Dana, Melissa looks down on the small girl she is sitting on in triumph with a large smile. Dana just looks up to her cursing in pain before looking back up to Melissa. "Cunt!"

Melissa just laughs in Dana's face then puts a knee into her side to start stripping off her skirt, struggling to get them down Dana's short but very muscular cross country legs. Once stripped Dana of her skirt Melissa grins, looking at Dana's amazingly large ass. It is so big for her small size, it is perfect! Melissa then sits down on the couch and pulls Dana over her lap, grabbing Dana's panties and pulling up hard giving Dana a major wedgy and making her give a small cry of alarm. "What the hell?"

"Oh shut up." Melissa purrs, suddenly slapping one of Dana's ass cheeks hard. "God you have a hot ass." Melissa purrs again, slapping the other one. "Look at that bounce!"

"Ugh!" Dana complained, squirming and gasping as Melissa quickly slapped her ass red until Dana is practically sobbing and writhing in her lap. "Please stop! Please! Please!" Dana finally beggs, making Melissa laugh and slap her ass even harder for a good while before finally letting up making Dana writhe and squirm.

Stopping finally, Melissa just shoves Dana off her lap and onto the floor between the couch and the coffee table. "Ok, now i'm done. I'm going to assume with your butch short hair that you will know how to do this next part pretty well." With Dana on the floor wincing from her red ass, Melissa then squirmed out of her tight jeans then sits on the couch facing Dana and pushed her panties to the side grabbing Dana's short hair roughly to pull her between her legs. "Unless you want to get slapped around, you know what to do." Melissa says with a seductive grin.

Dana's face is forced between Melissa's legs then into Melissa's shaved cunt, disgusted. There really is no other way out, Melissa doesn't seem particularly nice and Dana doesn't want to get her ass spanked anymore. If she has to do this... well it was better than the alternative. Just sitting there thinking about it earns Dana a hard slap across the face before getting shoved back between Melissa's legs. Dana then slowly reaches out her tongue defeated, probing Melissa's amazing pussy. Melissa immediately brings her head back and grips Dana's hair harder, biting her lip. "Oh fuck yeah.."

Blushing from her reaction, Dana starts to run her tongue expertly along Melissa's slit. Melissa taunts her for being a lesbian until Dana is red in the face, humiliated. Dana just admits to herself that this was a possibility getting into this gam, so this isn't thrown on her out of the blue. Blushing only slightly Dana quickly makes Melissa moan, getting her head shoved between the girl's trembling legs harder and harder. Taking her mind out of it, Dana starts to work on sliding her hands out of the handcuffs. They were not very tight, and Dana has very small hands. It might just be possible to squirm out of them. Melissa finds herself enjoying Dana's tongue too much and before Dana can get too far Melissa starts to grind her pussy against Dana's tongue, forcing Dana tighter against her pussy. Before long Melissa cums forcefully all over Dana, gripping her hair super hard and grinding against her face. When it is all done Melissa tossed Dana back on the ground and runs a hand down to her pleased pussy. "Fuck, that felt nice. I think I found out what I'm going to use you for."

Dana just groans slightly on the ground. The idea of Melissa of all people using her is not a pleasant one. Melissa then reaches over and digs through all the items on the table, looking through them curiously with excitement. "Now what do I want to use next? Oh. Perfect!" She finally says, grabbing something Dana doesn't see. Melissa then grabs Dana and pushes her upper body up on the couch, her hands behind her back with her knees on the ground and her ass sticking up. Melissa then shows her the new toy she found, a string of large red balls all connected together. Dana doesn't know what they are for but doesn't like Melissa's excited expression. "Suck on my balls!" She says with a giggle, shoving the first one into Dana's mouth. Annoyed but compliant, Dana sucks on the plastic red ball before the second one is shoved unceremoniously into her mouth as well. By the fourth ball Dana starts to gag, Melissa shoving ball after ball into her mouth filling her cheeks. Melissa isn't satisfied until each and every ball is covered with spit and sucked well running each one a few times between Dana's lips.

When Melissa is finally satisfied she pulls the balls out making Dana cough finally before sliding one leg over Dana to sit on her forcing her into the couch more looking towards her ass. Melissa tugs Dana's panties to the side again then leans down to part her red ass cheeks to reveal her perfect little asshole. "Now we are going to have some fun with this." Melissa says with a giggle, spreading it with her fingers.

Dana instantly realizes what is going on now and looks up in shock, trying to buck Melissa off her uselessly. "Wait! Stop! Please don't put those there Melissa!"

Melissa just rides Dana's struggling body easily then presses one of the red balls against the girl's asshole. "So ungrateful. As if I wouldn't play with this amazing ass of yours!" With that Melissa starts to slowly force the first ball in and out softly into Dana's asshole making her squirm and cry out, gasping as the ball finally slides all the way in then gets swallowed by her ass completely. A low moan of humiliation escapes Dana as Melissa spreads her ass cheeks again tugging slightly on the string laughing when the red ball doesn't come back out. "Look! You swallowed it all! Don't tell me you don't like that!"

After slapping Dana's sore ass making her gasp loudly in pain, Melissa then starts to slowly push in the second ball up Dana's ass. Dana cries out, her ass getting filled, but she eventually just bites down with her teeth and takes it. Melissa teases her and plays with her asshole until Dana is moaning with all five of the red balls shoved up her ass filling her. "Fuck...." Dana moans, each twist of her hips making her feel them completely.

Melissa just tugs on the small red ring at the end, giggling when the balls don't come out, swallowed completely. "Such a hot ass!" Melissa then reaches over and grabs another string of large red balls and smirks, pulling Dana's panties down to spread her pussy now. "Now for the next hole!" Melissa runs a finger down Dana's slit then and raises an eyebrow after slowly slipping her finger up Dana's tight pussy. "Oh? You are so fucking tight! I don't know if they can even fit!"

Not expecting her pussy to be played with, Dana gives a moan of pleasure at her pussy getting filled by Melissa's single finger while her ass is filled at the same time. Why does it feel so good? Melissa then just enjoys fingering Dana for a while, slapping her ass from time to time to make Dana cry out in pain when she starts to enjoy it too much. Dana is going to be a very fun toy for Melissa.


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