VRX 9000: Sex Games / Let the woman take you inside (3)

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You consider for a brief moment to try and attack her in some way or try and talk your way out of it but you are not sure you would be quick enough and you are smart enough to know that it would be a big risk trying to fight them this close with magic. Plus, if you failed your punishment would be all the worse. You pretended to surrender to the guard, you might as well pretend to surrender to this apprentice woman as well. Talking wouldn't work so you'll have a chance at your gaoler whenever you wake up in the dungeons. You gasp a final time as the air supply is finally cut off and you go unconscious.

After how ever long you finally wake up with a screaming pain across your stomach making you bolt awake and give out a scream. You just see a bunch of colors at first dizzy but another strike lands across your breasts making you scream again waking you up pretty well. Which is when you realize you are gagged, your screams muffled. Zuna comes into focus in front of you, her whip returning to her as she looks over you with a smirk. You try to cover yourself from her next strike but to your horror you find your hands restrained above your head and your feet restrained as well. Zuna brings back the whip again and you try to pull back in horror as she swings again but you just find the cold rock wall of the cave behind you. You watch the whip strike you again, the time across your ass as the tendrils slide around your hips as they strike. That is when you finally realize you are naked as well and blush.

After a few more whippings Zuna finally stops and you look up at her with water in your eyes from the pain but you are still confused to think much more about the situation. Zuna speaks though bringing in your focus. "Finally awake, mage? I thought that might wake you up." You try to ask where you are but the words are muffled by a red ball gag stuffed between your lips. Zuna seems to understand though and gestures around herself. "You are in my personal dungeon. Get used to it, you three are going to be here for some time." For the first time you look to your sides then and around the room. Getting your bearings you find yourself in a medium sized room filled to the top with barrels and crates and to your horror filled with every kind of torture or sex toy you can imagine. To your left and to your right are two other naked girls chained the same way you are with whip marks as well.

The one to your left is a busty red head who looks on the brink of crying obviously scared. She looks very cowed. To your right is a petite brunette with fierce looking eyes, she seems furious at being treated the way she is. You look at the woman trying to ask her why she is doing this to you but she just laughs at your muffled sounds. You very quickly realize letting this woman take you was a terrible mistake. She is a monster!

Zuna, now that she has everyone's attention, finally puts the whip down and approaches. "While you were unconscious mage I've been thinking of what I want to do with the three of you. And I want to play a game." She smiles then, walking right up to you looking over your naked body which makes you glare at her. "The rules are simple." Zuna starts, reaching a finger out to touch your stomach suddenly sending a wave of green magic of your for just a moment before it fades. You realize you have no idea what she did to you, not recognizing the magic. You might be able to copy it... but you try to feel what it did to you. "I have now placed a spell over all of you that won't let you cum. No matter how badly you want to." Your eyes go wide, what the hell is she trying to say?

Grinning at your look she walks over to the busty red head then. "One by one, I'm going to go to each of you and ask you to do something. If you do it for me, I'm going to use something to pleasure you with." She traces her finger tips along the red heads tits admiring them for a few seconds before walking back to you with a smirk. "If you don't do what I want..." She presses her body up against yours seductively. "... I'll go use one of my many toys on you. One that brings pain." She runs her hand across your cunt then making you squirm but just smirks and starts to rub you there slowly, "You understand? You do what I say and I'll pleasure you. You don't, I make you suffer."

She then pulls away from you after making you blush then walks over to the brunette then looking at her fierce expression with an amused one. "The one that goes crazy from pleasure I'll make my new fuck toy." She runs her hands across the brunette's abs then. "The one that gets the most pain I'll torture relentlessly. And the other one... I'll let her go." She then looks the brunette in the eyes taking her hand back. "I'll start with you." You look at her with awe. What kind of fucked up game is this? She can't expect the three of you to play! You realize quickly you are either going to have to resist fully hopefully with the other girls or try and win. And winning won't be easy. You'll have to get a balance of pleasure and pain but you'll want more pleasure but you can't outdo whatever girl is in first in pleasure. How dare she play with you three like this!

And the fact that you can't cum makes pleasure very scary. You don't know what that would feel like but you have a very bad feeling. Zuna just smiles at the brunette and runs her hand down to her girl cunt and rests it there firmly. The brunette just glares at her and tries to pull away to no avail. "Grind your pussy against my hand." You look with wide eyes, there is no way that girl is doing that. And after a few moments you realize you are right, the girl just glares at her and says something that gets muffled but sounds angry. Zuna just frowns but shrugs. "You'll learn." She then walks over to a crate filled with stuff and to the brunettes dismay pulls out a giant paddle with holes cut through the metal. She starts to yell at Zuna through her gag but it is no use, Zuna simply walking over with a playful grin and puts a knee into the brunette making her bend over revealing her ass before putting an elbow into her back to keep her there.

The paddle comes down hard making the brunette cry out slightly but she manages to choke down a scream. The paddle comes down several more times and you can see her ass turning red with small circles forming all over it. The smack of the paddle is deafening and before long the brunette finally breaks and starts to scream as the devilish paddle strikes her naked ass over and over. When Zuna is finally satisfied she pulls her knee away and lets the petite girl stand back up, fury in her tear filled eyes. She shifts her weight on her legs and you hear a moan of pain as her hips rub together. You feel bad for the girl, Zuna is going to pay for this. You also note that she isn't yelling anymore. Was it that easy to break her?

Zuna puts the paddle back then thankfully walks over to the redhead this time and offers the same thing to her putting her hand right on her pussy. The redhead pulls away at first, scared, but when Zuna is about to pull away for the paddle she meekly shoves her hips forward obviously horrified at the idea of getting paddled the same way. Zuna smiles at that, letting the redhead rub her pussy against her hand a few times before rubbing her hand back slowly, the two grinding against each other making the redhead blush and after a few moments she starts to gasp. Zuna, smirking, presses the redhead's stomach back against the wall then presses her own body against her to hold her there. Still rubbing her pussy with her other hand she suddenly runs two fingers right up her getting a startled gasp out of the girl. Zuna then starts to pump her fingers ruthlessly up the girl's cunt finger fucking her hard with a small playful smirk. She starts to force moan after moan as she pins the redhead against the wall brutally fingering her pussy over and over letting two fingers rest on either side for support. She finally stops after about a minute and wipes her now very wet fingers across the girls tits before stepping back and looking at the panting and very embarrassed redhead who looks close to sobbing. She had obviously enjoyed it quite a bit and is horrified by it.

Finally, Zuna walks over to you and you look at her nervously. As you fear she runs her hand down to your pussy and presses against you with her hand looking up to you in the eyes with an amused look. "So what will it be mage?" You hesitate, what the fuck do you do? You absolutely don't want to play this bitch's game. But what can you do? You don't want to get fingered like that and you don't want to be spanked mercilessly. If only you could use your hands!


What do you do?

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