(Sex) - Tell your mom that there is a last thing she could help you with before going to work.

From Create Your Own Story

You don't really know if it was because the horniness was too unberable, if you simply found your mother appealing enough as a women to ignore the family ties between you,

if if this was another thing that was making you horny about thinking about it, but you didn't careabout the motivations behind your action.

Still sitting on the stool inside the kitchen, you made a embarassed look at your mother, before saying to her:

'"Well, I do have a problem that is causing me more and more troubles since a few weeks, and it keep getting worse day after day."

She turned around and looked back at you with a questioning look:"Oh ? but if it bother you since multiple weeks, why didn't you tell me about it before ?"

You try to keep your compusure, as you are answering nervously: "Well, it's because I was thinking that it would not be a good idea to require some help from you... Don't take it personnaly, of course."

"Why did you think that? You're my beloved son, I am always covering you with love, and I'm always happy to help you !"

You unbutton your jean and open the fly, releaving the bulge of your underwear to your mother's view.

She looks surprised, but not angry at all. A smile is drawn on her face, while he continue the discussion:

"Oh, if it's only the usual problems that all boys have at your age, you should not have make me worried about this. I envy your youth, and the libido that comes with it."

"... Still, it is unhealthy for you if the problem subsist for too long." She told you while walking slowing to you direction.

"But you know, son, you will probably have a lot of opportunities to find people that will be more than happy to help you with your "raging problem" outside, when you will travel the world, you know ?

Is it really too much for you to handle, to ask your mother to do something about it now ?"

You think about your options: she seems to cares a lot about you, so you can probably ask her to help you, one way or another, though she will probably refuse to use her mouth, pussy and backside to sate you.

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Information Panel
Current location: Kitchen of your mother's home, Saffron City.
Actually wearing: Black T-Shirt, underwear, blue jean(Open), socks, back shoes.
Your Team: Howlet
Inventory: Pokephone, Money (12.5k)
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