"Maybe you guys could put a big bow on the leather guy?"

From Create Your Own Story

The guy in the wifebeater winks. "You got it. Finish your beer."

You laugh, and tip back your bottle, enjoying the beer. The bar is getting warmer even without the lights, and you're having a good time. These four guys are fun - even if they are a bit over the top - and they continue to joke and laugh while you drink and chat with them. When you finish your beer - you're a little light-headed, to your surprise, since you can usually handle more than a few beers before you get tipsy - and put it down on the table, the guy in the wifebeater rubs his hands together.

"Right," he says. "I'll be right back with your present."

You blink, but he gets up before you can say anything, and heads over to where the leather stud is standing and still talking to the guy in the tight red tank-top.

"Oh my god," you say, and the guy in the PIG shirt laughs, and puts one arm around your shoulders.

"Don't worry," he says. "Worst case scenario, we'll take you back to our hotel and gang-bang you."

The three men all laugh, and you manage a weak chuckle. In the dim light, it's hard to see the facial expressions of the two men, and the guy in the wifebeater has his back to you. They're definitely talking, though, and you cringe every time you see one of the two men nod - and the guy in the red tank-top leans in to the leather stud and they share a quick laugh.

"I can't believe he's doing this," you groan.

The guy with the tattoos smirks. "You sure you don't want a Butt Sex after all?"

You shake your head. "I'm buzzing enough from that one beer."


You laugh nervously, still watching the three men talk. They seem to finish up, and the guy in the wifebeater even shakes hands with the two others, and then all the men look your way. You blush and stare down at the table, and the three men sitting with you laugh. A moment later, the guy in the wifebeater rejoins the table. You feel a strange lurch in your stomach when you realize the leather stud is still standing near the stage. You can't tell if you're let down or not.

"So, his name is Dean," the guy in the wifebeater says, smiling at you. "And there's good news and bad news."

You laugh shakily. "Bad news, huh?"

"Yeah. The bad news is he's here with the guy in the red shirt - that'd be Ross."

You shake your head. "It's fine. Really." Although to your surprise, you're not as relieved as you thought you'd be. You'd started to wonder what being with a guy into leather would be like.

"Wait," the guy in the wifebeater says. "I'm not done. They're here together, but they absolutely want to, uh, help you out with your birthday situation."

You frown, not getting it.

"I told them to watch you," he says, and glances over his shoulder at the two men. You glance up and see that the couple is definitely watching you. Your face grows hot - and your dick gets hard in your pants. Holy shit. "If you'd like to join them for a complimentary gift from their toy-box, Dean said you just need to go introduce yourself."

You shift in your seat. Why do you have a hard on? This is insane. Holy shit, you think. They're serious. You glance over at the two men. They're definitely watching you.

"Have fun, birthday boy!" the guy in the wifebeater shirt says. You're shaking, but you rise, and before you can chicken out, you start walking toward the two men.


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