"I'll look for someone" (kiba)

From Create Your Own Story

"Sure" Hinata says sarcastically. You grin. "Who are you inviting?" You ask. "Everyone!!" She says excitedly. "Oh! That reminds me! Imara, I was hoping you would help me draw invitiations! Would you, Please??" You have a knack for art by the way. "Sure!" You say. You draw pretty purple invitations. Each one is different for each person. Hinata writes information in each of them. ~1 and a half hours later~ You put the invitations into three stacks according to their addresses to be passed out. A map, cut in three places is in front of you guys with each friend's house marked. You give stack with the correct map to Naruto, a stack and map to Hinata and get your own and you guys disperse. The first person you have is Ino. You go to her flower shop and give it to her, telling her to bring a date. "Ha!" She says, "As if there's a decent person to go with now that Sasuke-Kun is gone!" You smile and leave. You quickly pass out invitations to Tenten, Kurenai-Sensei, Shino, and Kakashi-Sensei. You are just about to leave Kiba's place when he stops you with an "umm" ~ "Huh?" You ask, "Kiba, did you say something?" He looks uncomfortable. He swallows. "Uh, Imara-Chan," he pauses, unsure whether he should continue, "will you be my date to Hinata's dance?" You are surprised. Kiba's a good friend, though, you never suspected he liked you. You smile sweetly, you did tell Hinata you'd find someone. "Yeah," you say, "I'd like that," Kiba looks relieved. "so, I'll pick you up later?" he asks. You nod. "yep, I'll see you later then." ~ You pass out the rest of the invitations and go back to hinata's house to decorate. Naruto is already there. You suspect he used his Kage Bunshin to help him out. You shrug and when Hinata returns, you guys decorate for a while. ~ You guys finish. It looks great! The hyuga archway is beautifully decorated with vines and flowers. The training area has tables, a disco ball, Hanabi's music equipment, and more and more decorations. "You should go home and get ready, Imara." Hinata says, smirking. You told her about Kiba. "Yeah, see you guys later, Naruto, Hinata!"


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