King SweaterHead Clone

From Crazysweater

fallen.png The article is more complete than the subject matter. Twilight Zone.

King SweaterHead Clone
Debut Kibbles Series King Bio's Comics
Species Random Time Paradox
Mortality Unknown
Morality Good
Alliances with the original
Voice Actor King SweaterHead

When King SweaterHead was randomly killed by Cherry the Great Beings sent a replacement. Unfortunately the original KS stopped being dead. Which caused The Author to create An Evil Clone to kill them both, destroy the studio, and end the series.

King SweaterHeads

The Author - Conscience
Squeeky SweaterHead
King Bionicle SweaterHead - KS2 - KS3
Inverted King Bionicle King Tahu
King SweaterHead of Pawns - KS-X
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