
From Conworld

Hoshiko has about 5 different tribes living on it. Below, I shall list the details of the largest 3 tribes.

  • 20% of the population speak Pirmenca as a first or only language.
  • 65% of the population can speak Pirmenca, or at least some dialect as it.
  • 10% of the population can speak Komprenas, these people are usually traders in the Sec4 region of space.
  • 20% of the population can speak Korimu, however, these people are all Korimuej.

The Buredo

"The Buredo" is an ironic title for a group of people who never used blades or knives. They derived from the ancient samurai from the present day Japan, adopting their code and morals.

Like other tribes on Hoshiko, they're not easy to be described in a few words. They believe in honor, and they have a Code of Honor (the "meiyo") to which they strictly adhere. Part of the code is that violence is never used except when necessary. On the other hand, it's amazing how often they find violence necessary.

The Buredo live by a hierarchy. Everyone knows who is above and below him, all the way up and down the ladder, from the "ikkaku" down to the "dodai"-s. The ikkaku is the bravest and best fighter, and is always, by law, right at the front of any battle. The Buredo also believe in family integrity, and there are numerous customs surrounding family roles.

The Buredo have ritual-like "juhyu", or fighting patterns/techniques, that the constantly practice. They also name their guns, much like the ancient Japanese.

The Korimuej

The word Ko·rimu·ej breaks down into smaller root words: ko (my-marker), rimu (language), ej (people), literally meaning "my language people".

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