Department of Military
From Confederacy

The Department of the Military is part of the Government of the Confederacy of Free Regions. It is responsible for militay issues that might occur. The Confederal Peackeeping Forces are the "army" of the Confederacy of Free Regions and are commanded by the Department of the Military. The countries that have peacekeeping forces are:
- The Shalman Empire:
10,000 troops
20 super-sonic war heads
5 Oldior Class War Airships
10 imperial-class tanks
- The Diesmaran Empire:
5,000 Zone Marines
4 Goliath Tanks
4 Missle Launcher (Patriot Class)
2 Mecha Units (Multi-functional Mechas)
1 Titan Mecha
- Holidia:
To send forces when needed.
- Hiigaran Confederacy:
Not yet specified
-Kingdom of Hypertrophy:
To send forces when needed.