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Kaibesia is a very small country, which is completely surrounded by Vietnam and the South Chinese Sea. Westwards the Gulf of Thailand is starting, to the east and the north the Vietnamese coast can be found. The country itself has a length of about 70 km and a width of 10 to 15 km. The western coast is easily gradient to north (Ben Hills). Behind the hills a rank valley can be found (Ben River). Between Chang Buri and Kamet these hills rise high out into the sea and form the peninsula of Chang. Following the river in the back-country eastwards to Ben Buri and southwards to Kamet, a delta can be found. Furhter to the east only the coastline is inhabited (City of Ben Praya). From there you reach the dense populated area of the country. There you can find Pretunam Bay with its ports and the nearly offshore Bang Thep International Airport. North from Pretunam, Seilon Woods with its lakes can be found, eastwards the district of Senyong follows. Senyong is an important port too. The docks are protected by some small islands in front of the coast. In the flat back-country of Senyong there are situated many farms and industry facilities. The biggest is the Mantayong Petroleum Factory and directly beside the city of Mantayong, in which live about 30.000. In the north of Mantayong the district of Culyang Buri can be found. Next to the city there is the old Bang Thep International Airport, which is still used but too small to handle all the air traffic over Kaibesia. If you follow the coast further to the east, you will reach the mouth of Samut River and on both sides of the river the capital Bang Thep. The river divides the city in two parts. In the west of the river you can find Westside with its huge residential highrises and many industry zones. East of Samut River there is Dowtown Bang Thep. East of the downtown there is East Bang Thep and north of the downtown Bang Thep North. In the flat back country smaller cities and a lot of industry can be found. The city of Relyong is located just north of Bang Thep and is the most important suburb of Bang Thep. It’s got a small downtown and many companies prefer Relyong because of its excellent traffic system. In the east Menburi is the last city in the flat terrain around the capital. Eastwards from here the country is nearly inhabited. The area is embossed by a quite cliffy coastline and mountains (Lang Mountains) in the back country. The last city is Mantaburi, which also has got an airport, which is important to handle charter flights. Offshore of Mantaburi the island of Ko Lang can be found, which is a very important touristic destination. The last outpost of Kaibesia is Cape Lang with its Buddhist temples.

History and Religion

The settlements in Kaibesia are about 1000 years old. The first settlers were Vietnamese coming from the north. From the sea also Thai settlers arrived, who wanted to have a strategic base at the eastern end of the Gulf of Thailand. From time on also Malaysian settlers reached the coasts of Kaibesia and brought the Islam to a small area of Kaibesia (Chang Buri). But the rest of the country was still embossed by Buddhism. In the 18th century Kaibesia became a part of Thailand. The colonial rulers England and France could never conquer Kaibesia because the small country was well protected by Thailand. In World War 1 Kaibesia was neutral and became independent of Thailand (peaceful separation). Also World War 2 was kept away off the small country, but after the disaster for the small country began. From the north instability came (Vietnam War) and in the end of this war communist rebels fought against the democratic government. By the opening of Vietnam to market economy the situation stabilised and an economic boom began. This boom wasn’t deranged by the Asia Crisis in 1997/98 (Kaibesia had established a solid economy mixed out of trade, industry and agriculture). Today the life standard has reached levels like in Turkey and the incomes are higher than in countries like Vietnam or Thailand. Experts say Kaibesia has got the 3rd highest life standard in Asia after Japan and Singapore.


The economy of Kaibesia is today quite good. The country is able to provide its own nutrition and also exports rice and tropical fruits. Around 28% of the population are still working in agriculture. Another important part of Kaibesia’s industry is the petroleum and refinery sector. Many small countries, which are rich in gas and oil ship it to Kaibesia, which has huge refinery capacities. A lot of Kaibesia’s exports are electronical. The education standard is high and even the poorest can afford the university taxes for their children. So many factories are settled in Kaibesia. Another important income for Kaibesia is that many international companies have their seats in here. The reason are that in some districts it’s very cheap for them to settle and they only pay low taxes (especially the city of Relyong). A more and more upcoming income is also tourism. People love the on the one hand the plenty of temples spread all over the country (temple cities like Ben Wat). On the other hand Kaibesia is a tropical paradise, with clean beaches (at least the ones which are away from the ports). Most common touristic destinations are the Chang Peninsula, Ben Wat and the island of Ko Lang.

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