From Confederacy
The Great Constituencies of Sectoria are located west of Australia, east of Madagascar and south of India. It is commonly known as Sectoria, which has a population consisting of just under
264 million people.
The capital and the largest city is Staunton, with a population of roughly 7.6 million people.
No viable evidence has been discovered to prove that human life existed on Sectoria before the 5th Century. Historians believe that Sectoria was colonised by Roman stragglers near the end of the year 456 AD, one year after Rome had been "sacked" by rebels. Ancient ruins and artifacts indicate that these few settlers landed on the coast, of what is currently known as Staunton, where they established themselves by building a settlement.
By the year 512 AD, Staunton had grown into a small town, but no one had ever explored beyond the view of the settlement. This was until 513 AD where it is written that a small group of people had been exiled from the town for crimes such as stealing. The group apparently headed north, up the coast, where they finally settled and started building their own settlement which was named Thrace after a Greek/Barbarian civilisation which used to be an enemy to the Roman Empire. The citizens living in Staunton were obviously not amused with the name Thrace being given to a settlement in their new country, so relations between the towns deteriorated and a small civil war broke out in 516 AD. This civil war led to a line being drawn surrounding each town.
The year 714 AD ushered in an era of national peace between the towns after years of bloodshed. However, the lines which were created to seperate the tribes, were never removed therefore the towns still fended for themselves.
After years of exploration and expansion, towns started popping up all over Sectoria as far as the western coast. By 1302, trading relations with surrounding countries boomed building a strong national economy. Due to its convenient bay, Thrace and Phylingdon became the main epicentres for trade with Africa. Due to the Constituencies, other cities such as Staunton, were being left behind both technologically and economically.