Diesmaran Empire

From Confederacy

Revision as of 09:57, 23 March 2008 by Shadow prophet (Talk | contribs)
The Overwatching Eye, Diesmaran National Flag
National Motto Freedom through Power
Power Through Knowledge
Population ~ 20 Million
Capital City Jenova
Language English, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin)
 - Leader
 - Head Minister
 - Representative Senate
High Lord's Governence
High Lord Vasidian
Minister Koh Shau Yeun
Senator Jpseph Hardinald.
Currency Davian Dollars (DD$)
National symbols
 • Animal

Aestorian Pheonix

The Diesmaran Empire is a large nation on the planet Ezra consisting of a population of over 20 Million. The nation neighbours many small colonies still establishing themselves but it's closest and most notable neighbouring nation is Oonte Rotocco.

The largest city in the Diesmaran Empire is Jenova which is home to over 4 million people currently and is by far the largest and most advanced city in the nation.

The Capital of the Diesmaran Empire consists of the 3 major districts which are Jenova, Jenova Bay and Jenova Capital.



Documentation on the battles
Documentation on the battles

The Diesmaran Empire was founded after the disbandment of the Initial Colony of Ezra which was created out of the initiative when major resources on Earth such as fossil fuel began to slowly deplete. The colonization of the planet Ezra, a planet founded by 3 astronomers,Jamie Diesmar and Oonte Lei and Rotocco Delphos, which possesed similar properties to that of Earth, became the future hope of the human race.

After the successful colonization of Ezra, a conflict raged out between the governments of Earth and the newly formed government of Ezra. The issue of which revolved around the independance of the Ezraian Colony from the control of Earth's governments after an announcement made that Ezra was to be now divided and placed under the control of Earth nations.

As to which war broke out on an intergalactic sale as both sides fought out for control over the planet Ezra. The war lasted for over a year, but was in high favour towards the Ezraians thanks to a successfull defense of their home planet. Earth on the other hand had experienced both a devastating and humiliating defeat at the superiority of Ezraian Might.

Soon after independance was granted to the people of Ezra, many took this as a notion for a new beginning for each of themselves. Many differenct factions broke of from the old Ezraian colony, whcih had been then re-named to the nation of Oonte Rotocco, to start out and build their own nations and colony. One of these factions, which consisted of many researchers, engineers and scientists, called themsleves the Diesmar Colony. They established their colony in the eastern lands of the region which later on underwent massive and fast paced development. The small colony, within a matter of years due to their advanced engineering development, had built itself up at such a fast pace, it could literally be said that the city popped up overnight. Establishment of trade between the nation of Oonte Rotocco and other neighbour nations were also established as the Diesmar colony began to grow their industry as well, mostly in developing high tech, agriculture and medicinal products.

Soon within the span of a millenia, the government was formed based around the Diesmar ideology. The well establishemd methods of trade and transportation had given an economic boost. Soon the Diesmar colony had now been renamed to The Diesmaran Empire.


The ideology of the Diesmaran Empire and it's government revolves around the philosophical theologies of Jamie Diesmar in his final documentation before his passing, entitled "The Vision". It shows analysis of the many governments of Earth, History, goals and ideology and the actions made by these various nations and how it has effected the world. In the documentation, Diesmar had taken the many different variations of governments and ideologies and thoroughly described what he visioned as a idealistic government and idealistic country.

"Where governments practiced forms of different ideologies and techniques of how they rule over the people. Each has shown it's own flaws and what has been regarded as succeses in each of their society. Ideologies such as freedom of speech, of expression much like that of the democratic countries, comparitively to the iron rule of of the communism, where the people are controlled, restricted from their supposed "rights" to a variation form of "freedom". But as each of these had flaws in their concepts they had certain aspects of them worked as well. In view of we can work out a form of a combination of not only democracy or communism but along with other forms of other methods of governing the people. Freedom is a (to continue)


Language English is the main spoken language in the Diesmaran Empire, followed by Chinese (Mandarin).Many other languages are spoken as well seeing as that the Diesmaran Empire has a diversity of races from all over. However it is mandatory that the English language must be a spoken tongue by all citizens of the Diesmaran Empire. This is especially so and even stated in law should an immigrant choose to live and work in the Diesmaran Empire.


Religion Latest Census shows the following: 30% Christians 25% Muslims 20% Buddhism 15% Confucianism 5% Taoism 5% Other

Each religion is under constant review under the department of Internal Security Ministry to help prevent any unwanted situation from arising and to keep each of them in check.

There have been several banned religions that have been prohibited from establishing themselves within the Diesmaran Empire. None of which are to be named.


Free education to all

Education on all fields

Education is such an important necessity in the Diesmaran Empire, it is placed above most many other needs. That is why in the Diesmaran Empire, every child's education, whether the family be from the poor class, middle wealth or High wealth, education is subsidized by the government all the way up to a college level on all fields of study. The education system as well is not limited to that within the Diesmaran Empire, but to also other institutons from all over Ezra and Earth.

The main focuses of the Diesmaran Education system are in the fields of study in: -Engineering -Medicinal -Science -Arts

As a result many of those in the Diesmaran Empire have a high level of Education Quotient.

English and Mandarin are the 2 main languages taught in schools all the through High School.

The education systems adopts the Australian form of education whereby eliminating the concept of linear and structured learning courses and instead focuses on a more practical approach. This is especially true in the studies of Medicine, Engineering, and Arts.

It is also stated that students must all be computer literate (knowledge of how to function a basic computer) by the age of 10 years.



Government Policies

International Relation

Personal tools