Diesmaran Empire

From Confederacy

Revision as of 20:46, 17 March 2008 by Shadow prophet (Talk | contribs)
The Overwatching Eye, Diesmaran National Flag
National Motto Freedom through Power
Population ~ 20 Million
Capital City Jenova
Language English, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin)
 - Leader
 - Head Minister
 - Representative Senate
High Lord's Governence
High Lord Vasidian
Minister Koh Shau Yeun
Senator Jpseph Hardinald.
Currency Davian Dollars (DDS)
National symbols
 • Animal

Aestorian Pheonix

The Diesmaran Empire The Diesmaran Empire is a large nation on the planet Ezra consisting of a population of over 20 Million. The nation neighbours many small colonies still establishing themselves but it's closest and most notable neighbouring nation is Oonte Rotocco.

The largest city in the Diesmaran Empire is Jenova which is home to over 4 million people currently and is by far the largest and most advanced city in the nation.

The Capital of the Diesmaran Empire consists of the 3 major districts which are Jenova, Jenova Bay and jenova Capital.






Government Policies

International Relation

Personal tools