Worksheet for lecture 3

From Compsci1

In this class we will build a database sheet in Microsoft Access. In the previous classes we built two different tables with different data types. We will do a similar table with added features

Step 1 – Open Microsoft Access and create a new database called “Library Members”.

Step 2 – Create a table in design view and use the following fields as your columns in the table

           Field 	Data type          Description

#1		     MemID       Autonumber       Member identification number

#2              Mem First Name          Text             Members first name

#3              Mem Last Name           Text             Members last name 

#4              Mem Telephone       Number            Telephone Number

#5 	           Last Activity     Date/time            Date of last activity on the account

#6		Money Owed	 Currency	    

#7	           Issued Books        number            Number of books issued 

#8 	      Active Past Year       Yes/No            Has the account been active 

#9 	              Homepage       Hyperlink          A line to the members homepage

#10 		          Notes        Memo	    Notes on Accounts

Step 3 – Use “Mem ID” as the Primary key

Step 4 - Save the table as “Members” and go to the “Datasheet View”

Step 5 – Create the Table like below



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