
From Compsci1


Questions are a compliment, even if they seem difficult. They show that you have managed to engage the audience in your topic. The more difficult or aggressive the question the more you have personally engaged the participant in the presentation so well done.

Think up possible questions in advance yourself and ask families and friends what they think, this will help your preparedness.

Treat all questioners politely, no matter how rude or aggressive they are. You should thank them for their question and reply to the best of your ability.

If you know the answer give it briefly.

If you do not know the answer say so and move on or offer to find out and get back to the person. You are not expected to be a walking encyclopaedia.

Listen to the question, hear it out to the end, it will prevent you jumping to conclusions and give you time to think.

Check back with the questioner, ‘does this answer your question?’

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