
From Compsci1

  • When installing the JCreator App, goto the JCreator download] page the 3rd one down is JCreator Classic. Which is the same as the one used in college.
  • Once installed you will need to save the SUN J2SDK 1.5 Java development kit which can be found [here] it is called Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 Update 9 and is the 5th down on the list.
  • Click on the download button which will bring you to another page. You must accept the agreement by ticking the I agree radio button. When the browser window refreshs, click on the Windows online installation (assuming your using Windows as your OS) which is 2nd on the list. You will then be prompted to Open or save - choose save, and browse to the C drive Program files, Java folder and save.
  • When u run the JCreator Application for the first time you will be asked the location of the JDK Profile which is C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.5.0_?? the last 2 digits will be the one u downloaded which is 09.
  • That should be it.
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