Binary addition and subtraction

From Compsci1

Binary addition and subtraction problems

a. 11011 + 1010

b. 11011 + 111001 + 1001 + 11001

Find the 1’s complement of the following numbers:

c. 001001

d. 00011000

e. 001100110011

f. 00001111000111

Find the 2’s complement of the following numbers:

g. 001010

h. 00011001

i. 001100110100

j. 00001111001000

Use 2’s complement to do the following subtractions:

k. 111000 – 110100

l. 11001100 – 101111

m. 111100001111 – 110011110110

n. 11000011 – 11101001

Evaluate the following

o. 10 to the power of 4

p. 10 to the power of 6

q. 2 to the power of 3

r. 2 to the power of 0

s. 2 to the power of 4

t. 2 to the power of 8

u. 2 to the power of 5

v. 2 to the power of –1

w. 2 to the power of -4

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