Test page
From Clairbourn
Zappa, for some reason the table formatting is incompatible when things start to get complex, the table always wants to be at the bottom of the page, and stacking multiple tables won't work; the other method of coding is also partially incompatible--it makes all the sidebar text too small and throws off the size of the icon image top left. I had to nix the bullets on this page in order to preserve the narrow column of text, so I opted for a Directory that can have all the links and things, but will be with full-page text, because I tried nine ways to Sunday to fix the issue. I'm not sure what's wrong. Let me know if this is okay. The Directory page can be the main link we use on-site, since the info here is in the comm profile anyhow; this could serve as just an external gateway for anyone who stumbles on it. Folks linked from the comms would know this already anyway.
[edit] RULES
1. This is a alternate universe multi-fandom game. That means no magic, no superpowers, nothing that isn't strictly human. Character backstories must be altered to fit in with this change. Try to not go for outrageous changes! The closer you can stay to what's stated in fandom, the better. Put on your thinking caps.