From Circle Of The Crone
Character Name: Elena, aka Quiauhxochitl (Deceased)
Clan: Gangrel (Status 2)
Location: Baton Rouge, LA (Former Hierophant, Deceased)
Faction: Warriors/Ritualists
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Believed Age
Elena was known to be at least 500 years old and had memories of Tenochtitlan before the Spaniards arrived.
Summer 1500 – Born in Tenochtitlan, named Quiauhxochitl
1510 – Enters the girls’ calmecac of Tenochtitlan
1515 – Graduates from the calmecac and enters the service of Chalchiuhtlicue as a novice priestess
Spring 1519 – Promoted to full priestess
Summer 1519 – Meets Tocuepotzin and joins the Cult of Quetzalcoatl
Fall 1519 – Becomes engaged to Tocuepotzin
November 1519 – Cortez arrives in Tenochtitlan
June 1520 – The Mexica drive the Spanish from Tenochtitlan, Emperor Moctezuma dies
Fall 1520 – Smallpox sweeps through Tenochtitlan, killing many.
April 1521 – Cortez and the Spanish return to Tenochtitlan.
May 31, 1521 – The final siege of Tenochtitlan begins.
August 13, 1521 – Tenochtitlan falls. Quiauhxochitl and Tocuepotzin flee the city.
August 1521 – Tocuepotzin dies. Quiauhxochitl Embraced by a Gangrel who calls herself Coyolxauhqui.
September 1521 – Falls into torpor.
Spring 1572 – Awakes and flees south to Peru, where she begins her mini-reign of terror.
1590 – Leaves Peru, heading south.
1615 – Meets Josiah, who calls her Elena, at the edge of the world (Chile).
1673 – Enters Torpor.
1698 – Wakes up, finds Josiah gone, and heads north again.
1710 – Encounters Leif in Panama.
1715 – Reaches the Valley of Mexico and visits Mexico City.
1725 – Reaches what is now Texas, and continues north and east to the American colonies.
1776 – America declares its independence from Great Britain.
1777 – Revolutionary War begins. Quiauhxochitl observes, but rarely interferes.
1783 – American Revolution ends.
1787 – United States Constitution is signed.
1798 – Goes into torpor.
1823 – Wakes up.
1828 – Travels to Great Britain and continues on to Europe.
1828-1860 – Travels through Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
1862 – Returns to Veracruz in Mexico. She travels north to the U.S. to find out about this “Civil War.”
1863 – Encounters Annabelle and sacrifices the deserter. She remains in the area, protecting Annabelle’s family until her husband returns in 1864.
1864-1898 – Wanders the western part of America.
1899 – Reaches New Orleans.
1901 – Meets Felipe Saunier and takes him on as a student.
1902-1920 – Teaches Felipe and inducts him into the Circle of the Crone.
1924 – Enters torpor.
1949 – Wakes up.
1949-1963 – Explores the United States, learning about all sorts of things.
August 1963 – Hears Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech on the radio.
September 1963 – Becomes involved in the Civil Rights Movement, seeing it as in the same spirit as the Cult of Quetzalcoatl.
1964 – Decides to step back from the movement, watching it from the shadows and protecting its members where she can.
1968 – Martin Luther King is killed.
1969 – Retreats to the mountains near Mexico City.
2000 – Hears of a Gangrel terrorizing Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
2001 – Arrives in Baton Rouge, hunting Jacques.
December 2003 – Helps bring down Jacques.
January 2005 - Joins the Court of Baton Rouge as the representative of the Circle of the Crone.
February 2005 - Is ambushed and killed by Ordo Dracul attempting a coup.
Known Ties
Elena is known to be the sire of Douglas Lawson, founder of the Keepers of the Outlands.
System of Beliefs
In life, Quiauhxochitl was a convert to the Cult of Quetzalcoatl. In death, she continued to follow the Plumed Serpent.
Looking For
Any appropriate background ties.