Hasselt (Limburg)
From Circle Of The Crone
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Ruling Prince
HRH Prince de Mérode (Ventrue - Invictus Wiki) {NPC}
=> He declared the independance of the domain Limburg around October 2005.
The Court of Prince de Mérode
- Seneschal - Lord Gabriël Caluwaert (Ventrue - Invictus Wiki) {NPC}
- Harpy - Lord Herzet (Ventrue - Invictus Wiki) {NPC}
- Primogen - Lady Helena Kristina van Kruysberghe (Mekhet - Ordo Dracul) {PC}
- Sheriff and regent of Waterschei - Lord Salvatore Delrio (Gangrel - Invictus Wiki) {PC}
- Spiritual Advisor to the Court of Sovereign Limburg - Staff. Dr. Gerhardt Thielemann (Gangrel) {PC}
The Circle of the Crone in Limburg
- Alexandria Karuna (Mekhet) {PC}
Known Chorus
Former members
- Johan Van Gellingen (Gangrel) {PC} - missing
- Lord Kolya Petrovich (Daeva) {PC} - departed for greener pastures.
- Hierophant - Lady Els Swennen (Daeva) {PC} - Dead
- Spiritual Advisor to the Court of Sovereign Limburg - Staff. Dr. Gerhardt Thielemann (Gangrel) {PC} - Departed for Greece
- Head of Security - Helga de Wit, Daeva {PC} - Dead
- Keeper of the Temple - Lord Peter Moens (Gangrel) {PC} - Dead
- Bert Stassen (Nosferatu) {PC} - missing
- Luidrick Kimpen (Gangrel) {PC} - missing
- Simon Jaspers (Mekhet) {PC} - missing
Faith of The Coven
What it is they actually worship is a mystery. If you ask them about it separately they will give different answers, and you would think this coven is choatic. Yet this is far from the thruth. When the Coven is gathered, they come forward as a unity, loyal to one another and very open about their ways. It seems only insiders can fully understand what these ways truly contain.
Known Facts
- This coven is more a-political than otherwise. Mostly they try to mind their own business.
Feeding Grounds in Limburg
- Prince de M�©rode has claimed Hasselt, the capital of Limburg for himself as his personal feeding grounds.
- Feeding grounds in Limburg are divide by clans, not by covenant, by decree of Prince de M�©rode.
- The Nosferatu and Daeva were barely present when Prince de M�©rode claimed praxis. For that reason they didn't receive feeding grounds of their own, but had to strike deals with respectively the Gangrel and the Mekhet.
- Since the division of the feeding grounds many new Daeva and Nosferatu emerged and tensions about the arrangement started to arise. Especially the Daeva seem to have trouble with the current arrangements. This culminated in a heated argument between Daeva Priscus Mikha�¯l Petrovitch and the Court of the Domain. In the end Petrovitch was forced to apologise to the Prince and his Court. Not long after the Petrovitch brothers left Limburg the Daeva were given their own feeding grounds. The Nosferatu still have their deal with the Gangrel as it is the smallest clan in the Domain.
- Voeren has not been claimed as part of Domain Limburg to avoid trouble with whoever or whatever rules Li�¨ge.
Map of the old Feeding Grounds
Map of the new Feeding Grounds
- They are actually so deep into the pocket of the Invictus, it's surprising they didn't join that covenant.
- Prince de Mérode is actually a Circle himself, as are all Ventrue within the Invictus in Limburg. This is the reason why the Lancea aren't as strong as they would like.
- Coming Soon
In co-operation with Jef Van Vinckenroye and the Lancea Sanctum Limburg page.