
From Circle Of The Crone

Revision as of 07:39, 14 July 2008 by Acrimony (Talk | contribs)
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Known Aliases: Acrimony

Clan: Nosferatu

Covenant: Circle of the Crone

Bloodline: Unknown

Concept: Violent Hyperminimalist

Current Location: Pacific NorthWest

Status: Circle of the Crone ·



Sire: Unknown

Acknowledged Childer: Unknown

Bloodline: Unknown

Notable Traits: A fedora,clothing from the 1920's in monochramatic color scheme, victorian sunglasses, a scarf, trashbag, or other covering around the lower half of his face, and if not wearing that; Teeth, lots and lots of gnashing sharp deadly teeth.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Maybe it used to have some kind of recognizable aspect of humanity lingering in it's self once, maybe even as a vampire some passing century or two before. What ever person Acrimony once was in life is long dismembered and burried. The thing that stalks the streets now can in no way relate to the world or others around it in any way considered social or human.

These nights nonsensical philosophical discussions are vomited forth through row after row of sharpened jagged teeth. Acrimony finds small animals or the occasional transient and cuts them open with a straight razor in an attempt at sooth saying the future.

Acrimony proposes to others he is only a tool, he craves conformity, and wishes to work for his betters to inflict harm upon their enemies with no regard for himself.

You might find youself wondering what the hell this monster is doing within the Circle of the Crone, that is until you watch him work magick, or until you study his true goddess Kalika.

Kalika also known as Kali is a Hindu goddess associated with death and destruction. Despite her negative connotations, she is not actually the goddess of death, but rather of Time and Change. Although sometimes presented as black and violent, her earliest incarnation as a figure of annihilation still has some influence. More complex Tantric beliefs sometimes extend her role so far as to be the "Ultimate Reality" or Brahman.

Through his acts of self destruction comes self discovery. Through his violence and murder comes enlightenment to others. Through his acts of depravity ultimately, just maybe, he can hope to alter reality. Or maybe he really just is a sadistic bastard.

These days, he travels with the Carthian gang known as The New Flesh finding a home with them as their leg breaker and muscle.

The Masses Have Spoken

Quotes from Acrimony:

"Touching is when the hurting starts."

"Please shut up and get into my bitey mouth now."

"I sir, would gladly pummel and bloody your enemies for you if it might be allowed, that is if you don't mind your reputation being sullied of working with someone of my low worth."

"The American philosopher of the 1950's Stanley Rosen says, Nietzsche asserts that this nihilism is a result of valuing "higher", "divine" or "meta-physical" things (such as God), that do not in turn value "base", "human" or "earthly" things. But a person who rejects God and the divine may still retain the belief that all "base", "earthly", or "human" ideas are still valueless because they were considered so in the previous belief system (such as a Christian who becomes a communist and believes fully in the party structure and leader).In this interpretation, any form of idealism, after being rejected by the idealist, leads to nihilism. Moreover, this is the source of "inconsistency on the part of the nihilists". The nihilist continues to believe that only "higher" values and truths are worthy of being called such, but rejects the idea that they exist. Because of this rejection, all ideas described as true or valuable are rejected by the nihilist as impossible because they do not meet the previously established standards. That being said...Please get in my mouth now."

Quotes about Acrimony

Coming Soon

(Add you own)


(Feel free to add your own:)

  • Acrimony is absolutely insane and violent.
  • Acrimony is actually smarter and more aware of his surroundings than he lets on.
  • Acrimony has been paid as little as a pack of cigarettes to kill other vampires.
  • Though seemingly devoid of conscience morality, or any type of philosophy Acrimony has a strict set of guidelines which dictate his seemingly random actions.
  • Acrimony has been somehow coerced through candy of supernatural orrogin provided by the Carthian Anarchist gang he works for The New Flesh



  • The Devil


  • Screaming...

OOC Information

Player: Clayton Turner

Location: Pacific Northwest

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