Elliott Grimm
From Circle Of The Crone
Player - Tim Edwards
Name - Elliott Grimm
Clan - Gangrel (Status 2 - Elliott is not a typical Gangrel, but spends a lot of time on clan business.)
Age - Neonate. Has claimed to be a vampire less than a decade.
Location - Nomadic, but currently settled in London, England as Hierophant.
Specialties - Politics, information gathering, gossip
Brief history - A member of the Nocturnis Templar lineage of Gangrel, Elliott often plays his cards close to his chest. He lived in Edinburgh a few years but recently moved to London. Many of his lineage are based in Birmingham, England. He is remarkably quiet about his past, usually brushing off enquiries and changing the subject.
It is widely suspected he sleeps around, but he's remarkably discrete as to who with.
Philosophy - A reasonable number of individuals had queried Elliott's refusal to attend "certain rituals" without his ever specifying which ones he objected to. This became a lot more clear when Julia Kincaid publicly referred to him as a follower of the "Left Handed Path".
Elliott spends a lot of time arguing that the Circle should take a political stance of non-interference. This seems to be a common theme in the United Kingdom.
Others about Elliott
Ophelia Schwartz: nomad Crone - He makes me feel like a lot of different bits of different lycrics of obsure and/or unpopular songs. "Come down" by Bush, "The Trouble that We're in" by Mesh, half of Fiona Apple's repertoire and I'm nearly ashamed to admit: "Wrong Impression" by Natalie Imbruglia. The so called establishment likes to say he's trouble. I don't know what he is, or what he's up to. Or what he feels about me (altho I'd love to know that one). Maybe I should just find out...
Dokisha: Hierophant of the Antwerp Coven - He's not my kind of pussy.