
From Circle Of The Crone

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The Circle has been using the noncommittal reputation of its initiates, the chorus, to its advantage for decades by insinuating low-profile neonates among the ranks of the Lancea Sanctum, the Ordo Dracul, and any other theologically inclined covenants that might exist only in certain localities. The covenant elders are after more information on the internal workings of the competition. The low fidelity of vampire polling makes it possible for a coterie of the chorus to get far enough inside either organization to be recognized as members throughout the city. When the coterie backs out and joins the Circle of the Crone, it's not symptomatic of some wavering faith amon gthe Sanctified but a sign of the Circle's subtle prowess -- those faithless priests never accepted the dogma of Longinus. And now the Circle knows what the Sanctified and the Dragons worry about, and it has members with knowledge of each house's sacred and secret miracles.

The same tactic works outside the ideological theater to scout out new domains and prepare them for claims by the Circle of the Crone. Some chorus coteries are given the task of posing as fledgling missionaries for the Lancea Sanctum and going into contested or abandoned territories to ruin the reputation of that covenant before real missionaries can arrive. Once the local Kindred temperment is predisposed against the Sanctified, the Acolytes petition for those domains from the Prince, Regent, or other authority figure.

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