Children of Isten
From Circle Of The Crone
Creation Myth
In the beginning, Isten wandered through the infinite void that was the belly of the Night Serpent. She endured the cold and darkness of the eternal shadow until she escaped from its mouth. The beast, deprived of its object of torment, the beast lashed out, striking Isten and wounding her deeply. As the blood feel, the firmament was created.
Isten fought back valiantly. She slew the Night Serpent, skinning it to create the sky. She set the body ablaze to make the sun that burns in the day. Its scales Isten used to make the stars in the night sky. One of the beast’s glowing eyes was placed above her creation, so that the beast could always see and be tormented in return. As the earth cooled, Isten watched and knew there must be more. Isten began creating animals and a myriad of beasts came into existence.
Isten watched as the animals multiplied. Though they controlled their populations for a time, their breeding became troublesome and their numbers swelled beyond what the world could tolerate. Much disease and pestilence ran rampant over the animals. Isten gave much thought and thus was created a predator to return control to the populations of the beasts… Man. Isten watched and was pleased. Soon, however, again her creation multiplied beyond what the world could support. What was worse, men hunted lines of beasts until not a single one was left. Again disease plagued her creation. Again death was not a celebration of passing into understanding, but something the mortals feared. Isten gave much thought to this.
She finally created a greater predator. This predator would prey upon the men as well as the beasts. Isten gave his new creation the ability to walk among the men unnoticed, to walk among the beasts as one, and to hunt his prey anywhere it should reside. She gave his creation the charge of maintaining the numbers of the men. In exchange, they were given the ability to procreate. So that they could not breed out of control, however, she made them so that the fires of the Night Serpent would burn their bodies as if they were within the its flames.
Isten gathered these new creations together. She dubbed them Vampyre and told them of the prophecy. One day she would extinguish the flames that burned the body of the Night Serpent leaving the world in darkness, in the Vast Night, so they could walk as Kings, should they perform their duty to his satisfaction. She then released them into the world. Isten watched and was pleased. There were seven original Vampyres: Ontro, Rhayna, Ula, Kall, Torrin, Toggo, & Tsi.
Philosophies of Isten The world is about suffering. Suffering must have a purpose. It must be experienced and then alleviated. Only between the two can one appreciate both. If either side becomes too great, measures must be taken to reverse the fortunes. The Vampyres have a duty to mankind to ensure that they no longer breed out of control. Blatant killing is normally reserved for those that epitomize what Isten hates most in her creation. Those individuals are the ones that further abuse the world she created. Other methods that are acceptable include covert killing, infestation, sterilization, etc.
First Creation Sacrament (Performed on Summer Solstice): This sacrament remembers the first creation of Isten – the sun, moon and earth. The Vampyre gather at midnight to retell the creation of the world and affirm their adherence to the prophecy. They stay up to watch the sun rise. The one able to stay up the longest is rewarded with the title of Favored until the next time the ritual is run.
Second Creation Sacrament (Performed on the Autumnal Equinox):
This sacrament remembers the second creation of Isten – animals.
The Vampyre gather to participate in a hunt. They allow all of their base instinct and animalistic natures to surface as they hunt prey.
Third Creation Sacrament (Performed on Winter Solstice):
This sacrament remembers the third creation of Isten – Man.
The Vampyre participate in this ritual by being human as possible for the night. They do not feed at any point during the night. Those that break the ritual in this manner carry the title of Defiler until the next time the ritual is run. During the sacrament, the Vampyre must do what they can to experience what it was to be human.
Fourth Creation Sacrament (Performed on the Vernal Equinox):
This sacrament remembers the fourth creation of Isten – Vampyre.
The Vampyre were created to control the herds of Man. In this sacrament, the Vampyre find one human who has become the epitome of what Isten came to detest in his creation. The Vampyre take him to a place of significance. They recount the creation of Man and of Vampyre. They then sacrifice the mortal as an affirmation of the Vampyre’s devotion to the Prophecy.
Priestly titles:
Táltos Priest King (root-word is wisdom and knowledge)
Magoch Priest of Magic
Baksa Priest of Crafts and Science
Harsány Priest of Song and Ceremonies
Arbis Priest of Medicine
Rasdi Priest of Conscription
Karapan Priest of War
Duties of each position:
Taltos Priest King - Color Associated with Position: Black This may sound like a ruling position, but the title is just that, a title. The Taltos presides over the Council of Priests as would an arbiter. The Taltos votes last of the seven priests, giving the position a modicum of power in deciding outcomes. Other than this, the Taltos has no other duties save for calling the gatherings.
Magoch Priest - Color Associated with Position: Blue The priests are all equal in casting votes and expectations in responsibility. Some are more equal than others. Of the seven, the Magoch has the most responsibility. Not only is the Magoch expected to continually learn and research magic, she is expected to teach any acolyte that is approved to learn by the Council. This can keep the Priest very busy.
Baksa Priest - Color Associated with Position: Green The Baksa is responsible for the greater financial and material possessions of the order. A certain tithe is expected of every member of the Order. It is the Baksa’s responsibility to manage this and acquire objects as deemed necessary.
Harsany Priest - Color Associated with Position: White The Harsany is expected to know and perform the Sacraments on the holy nights. The Harsany must have a Scholar assistant to learn all the Sacraments, as well. The Harsany is expected to make all preparations for the sacraments.
Arbis Priest - Color Associated with Position: Yellow The Arbis is responsible for knowledge and preparation of any drugs or poisons that need to be concocted. She must also be versed in blood preparation. As with all priests, the Arbis is expected to research, study, and hone the skills that are expected of her.
Rasdi Priest - Color Associated with Position: Purple The Rasdai’s duties are simple – swell the Order by any means necessary. Vampyre’s must understand their place in the order of this world. It is the duty of the Rasdi to convert whenever possible.
Karapan Priest - Color Associated with Position: Red It is understood, even expected, that there will be enemies to the Order. The Karapan trains a Guard to eliminate those problems as they arise. The Guard answers to the Council, not the Karapan alone, to check the possible corruption that could manifest.