
From Circle Of The Crone

Revision as of 15:54, 5 September 2008 by Zeal (Talk | contribs)




Known Aliases: Zeal

Clan: Daeva

Covenant: Circle of the Crone

Bloodline: Rumored to be Toreador

Current Location: Pacific NorthWest

Status: Circle of the Crone * , Daeva **

Titles: Prince of Mavericks

Coteries: The New Flesh


Acknowledged Childer: None

Sire: Unknown

Bloodline: Unknown

Notable Traits: Zeal is exceedingly pretty. The kind of pretty that makes you want to dry-hump his leg or break his face. He tends to laugh a lot and poke fun at people.

Titles: Prince of Mavericks

Coteries/Societies: The New Flesh

Character Livejournal: Zeal Tags

Information Known by Kindred Society

The Vampire known as Zeal tends to be very tight-lipped about his early days.

His mind is yet unfettered by degeneration to bestial traits or the swiss-cheese of long sleep.

Zeal's early history was under a different name on the East Coast.

Rumors speak that this young rebel began his nights as an Invictus, and bad-blood lays between them.

These days, he travels with the Carthian gang known as the New Flesh.

The Masses Have Spoken

Quotes from Zeal:

  • I'm not just another pretty face you know; the rest of me is quite appealing as well.
  • Have you ever stared long into the face of entropy? So many artists get tied to form and function and forget that true beauty transcends both of these. Where a painting or song is restricted by it's notes and colors, the beauty of chaos can be seen looking beyond them.
  • Humanity is the ultimate canvas. Watch as we work our masterpiece...
  • The Movement is perhaps the last of the great ventures. I'm not sure what they're striving for, even they can't really decide. But passion leads 'em, and their rage is righteous. Wherever they are heading, those stationed there pay heed to their passing.
  • The only strength someone has these days are the people at his back. Mine are low-down, evil, nasty, brutal, crushing bastards. I trust 'em with my last breath. Who's watching your back, asshole?

Quotes about Zeal (Feel free to add your own: )

  • Sorrow: "Zeal can charm the scales off a snake..."
  • Acrimony.: "He's pretty and dandy, like candy..."
  • Acrimony.: "He reminds me of a young me, a real duche bag. That being said I'm fond of him, not so fond as I wouldn't gut him for the fun of it,however. Ah, but once he removes the shackles of his mind that force him to care what others think of him, then we can begin seeing what he is really...about?...No not about...made of!"


(Feel free to add your own:)

  • Zeal was embraced to further the pretty-boy cause of the Invictus Toreador. Who gives a shit now?
  • Zeal's motivations seem to stop at 'what chaos will this cause?' or 'who will cry if it is done?'
  • The New Fleshis just another Carthian gang serving as mercenaries to the highest bidder.
  • Zeal's the brains behind The New Flesh.
  • Zeal's a puppet for The New Flesh.
  • Zeal and Sorrow often compete in "contests of the macabre." Not really sure what the winner gets.



  • Alex; A Clockwork Orange


OOC Information

Player: Rob Bennett

Location: Pacific Northwest

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