Spongebob Squarepants

From Chocopedia

WHO LIVES IN A PINNAPLE UNDER THE SEA?...srsly, if you dont know, than get out, NAO! but srsly spongebob is win, hes a talking sponge, his best friend is a starfish and they like to annoy there neighbor that lives inbetween both of there houses, squidward. spongebob works at the krusty krab, with the boss his name is MR. KRABS, and he is...well, a crab, and he makes krabby patties, supposedly the best hamburgers in the whole sea(although it would probably taste nasty to any surface dweller since well, there under the sea and its probably soaked with salt water... but the fishies probably dont know the sea has a taste since theyve lived in the sea since the beginning of time)(this might also explain why sandy cheeks is never seen actually eating a krabby patty, i mean in one episode she trys to but her helmet gets in the way and it never touches her mouth)

ANYWAYS yea now that we know about the krusty krab now we must know about mr. krab's nemesis, PLANKTON, hes, well, a plankton if you couldnt tell from the name, hes always trying to steal the krabby patty formula, but cant due to his RLY small stature(since plankton are REALLY short guys, like an inch or so tall) he lives in his restaurant(unlike krabs)with his computer wife, karen, whos always talking to him about different stuff, and apparently plankton doesnt eat too often, because in some episodes it shows him eating holographic meatloaf(which i dont think is actually food), while in others something like a snowcone.

so the last part im talking about right nao is sandy cheeks, possibly the only "animal" living in bikini bottom, she lives in a tree dome, since she breathes air, and when shes not in the tree dome, shes wearing a space suit. she is really smart and stuffs and in some episodes revolve around her and her inventions(like the one when spongebob and squidward get fused together or the one when the squirrel comittee comes and needs to find a good invention to fund sandys living)

so thats it for nao

...i also have a pretty good sized spongebob plushy, and one year i had a birthday party focused on spongebob which is actually when i got the plushy

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