Blue Frog Bar and Grill

From Chicagohash

Revision as of 05:59, 13 March 2008 by Fuji (Talk | contribs)


Misc. Information

The owner used to be a hasher, and has been known to give out Johnny Walker shots to all in attendance, resulting in many people hungover at work on Tuesday.


River North


Public Transit -

  • From Lincoln Park/Lakeview: Red Line to Chicago or Grand - this place is roughly equidistant between the two on LaSalle between Erie and Huron, three blocks West of State. Also just a few blocks South and East of the Chicago *Brown Line Stop

From Wicker Park/Bucktown: Blue Line to Chicago, Chicago #66 bus to LaSalle and 2-1/2 blocks South.

Contact Information

676 N. LaSalle St. (312) 943-8900

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