Known MPLF members

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Revision as of 13:19, 18 August 2009 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

MPLF members (NPC):

Main MPLF forces

  • Name:??? ???

Rank: High ranking member, possibly leader. Spokesman.

Description: a large man, wearing a leather jacket and a balaclava

Last seen: MPLF video speech after bomb attack

Status: Alive

  • Name:??? ???

Rank: ??? (Commander of attack and surveillance on Fort Mayhem)

Description: tabby-furred catgirl wearing jeans and a green Tshirt

Last seen: Mayhem Club

Status: Alive, TFed into male 7 armed anthro frog

  • Name:??? ???

Rank: ??? (Superior to /)

Description: gray-skinned Uryuom wearing a standard Worker's Suit

Last seen: Mayhem Club

Status: Alive

  • Name:??? ???

Rank: ???(Similar rank to /)

Description: dwarf with a long, braided black beard, wearing corduroy trousers, and a zipped-up fake leather coat.

Last seen: Mayhem club

Status: Alive

  • Name: ??? ???

Rank: Corporal

Description: Standard human. Buzz-cut hair. Using an FRE weapon, which is assimilating with his body Currently, both arms have been visibly corrupted.

Last seen: Fort Mayhem, outside the fort.

Status: Being assimilated w/ weapon. Tumours throughout body.

  • Name: Francis Smith

Rank: Private

Description: Strandard human, messy brown hair.

Last seen: Fort Mayhem, outside the fort

Status: Dead

  • Name: ??? Nolles

Rank: Private

Description: Female Elf w/ long black hair.

Last seen: Fort Mayhem, outside the fort.

Status: Wounded (Gunshots to left calf, right thigh, back x3)

  • Name:RX18

Rank: Colonel

Description: Cyborg, male. 6' tall, bald.

Last seen: Hammer 'O Justice

Status: Alive

  • Name: Miss Nara (Unclear whether this is a first name or a surname)

Rank: ???

Description: Appearance

Last seen: Waffle House

Status: Alive


  • Name: 'Admiral' Daevon Clinka

Rank: Commander of 20-30 spaceships of varying type.

Description: Appearance

The leader of a band of mercenaries/pirates, Clinka is a savage, ruthless man. He is wanted by the Mayhem Police and EGSDF for crimes prior to his work for he MPLF. He is under orders not to attack anyone other than EGSDF or allied ships, stations and personell.

Last seen: Leviathan tavern

Status: Alive, wanted dead or alive

  • Name: Boktor

Rank: ???, employed by Clinka

Description: An 8'6 Kurtung, wearing combat boots, forest pattern combat trousers, black Tshirt, black biker jacket.

Last seen: Leviathan tavern

Status: Alive

See here for a more detailed bio.

  • Name: Maria Rodriguez, AKA La Hacha

Rank: Captain employed by Clinka

Description: A 5'7 hispanic woman, looking to be in her mid 30s. Mid-back length black hair, tied back. Eyepatch over left eye. wearing combat boots, blue jeans, white tank top. Although not quite as notorious as Clinka, she has a reputation for sadism, as well as a sizeable bounty on her head.

Last seen: Leviathan tavern

Status: Alive, wanted dead or alive

  • Name: Hasdrubal ???

Rank: ???, employed by Clinka.

Description: A 6' male humanoid. Exact species unknown, as he wears balaclava and dark glasses. Also wearing combat boots, black combat trousers, brown leather greatcoat.

Last seen: Leviathan tavern

Status: Alive

Not publicly known yet

  • Name: Yoko Azai

Rank: Major

Description: A human woman, Asiatic features, shoulder length black hair, looking to be in her mid forties

Last seen: MPLF base

Status: Alive

  • Name: Tam

Rank: ??? (Presumably low)

Description: A female Kurtung, wearing work overalls with a toolbelt and carrying a hard hat and a battered metal toolbox.

Last seen: Waffle House

Status: Alive

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