Heroes of Terenthia RP- Hrothgar Merikh

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OOC discussion thread]


Name: Hrothgar Merikh

Gender: M

Race: Human

Age (years): 43

Physical Description:
A stout man, standing at 5'6, with a sallow complexion. His head is shaved bald, and he has several geometric and runic tattoos in various places on his body, including a geometric design on the crown of his head. He wears monkish brown robes. The hood is usually worn down, but when up it obscures his head and face completely.

Hrothgar is usually dour and grim, though he does find black and/or gallows humour most entertaining. He's a very private man, and avoids talking about his past or how his servant came to be in his employ. He doesn't like people finding out about his profession, and tries to avoid exposing himself whenever possible. Hrothgar is completely amoral, and only seems to care for one person- his Lucretia. Even she is expendable though.

Hrothgar was the son of a village priest, Marik. He always was a strange one, fascinated by death. During his teens, he read every book and scroll he could find on magic. One day, he chanced upon a chapter in an old tome about the necromantic arts. He was enthralled. He read it again and again, and would often sneak out at night and go to the crypt beneath the church. Sometimes he'd attempt to reanimate the dead, sometimes he would examine the corpses and sometimes he would do... other things. When he came of age he left the village, heading north. In the barren wastes of the north, he found a wizened old man. This ancient was an adept in the deathly magicks, and for a price was willing to teach Hrothgar what he knew. Years passed, with Hrothgar learning, practicing and honing his skills, until one day his mentor died. Out of respect he burned the hut the old man had lived in, the body inside. Hrothgar went wandering after that. At first, he displayed his powers openly. This was a mistake. Ordinary folk distrusted him, many even reviled him. He took to travelling disguised as a monk. A few times during his travels, he was attacked by bandits or highwaymen. Using his spells and his staff, he managed to escape or defeat them every time. During one of these attacks, he killed an elf woman. She had been about to fire an arrow at him. When the attack had been foiled, Hrothgar went to loot the bodies. He lingered over hers, though. She was beautiful. Hrothgar draped her corpse over his donkey and took it away. Once he'd found a suitable place to perform the ritual he set everything up. Chanting over the body for over a week, he performed the finest act of necromancy he had ever done. She rose again. Perfect, flawless both in body and in the magick that reanimated her. Totally loyal, completely obedient, she was his. He decided to call her Lucretia. Hrothgar continued his wandering, accompanied by Lucretia (Who he passed off as a servant), until recieving the summons to the Western Mountains.


  • Clothing: Leather boots, brown monkish robe
  • Staff
  • Satchel containing -magical tome

-A simple knife, 5 inch blade -various amulets (None of which have any innate magical power, he just likes them.) -enough food for a couple of days -A leather bottle of water -Needle and thread

Current Gold: 60

RP Sample:
"Hail, Brother!"
Hrothgar looked up, startled. He had been walking for several hours, and had stopped paying attention to his surroundings, focusing instead on his destination- The Tall Tree Tavern, in Green Lake. After a few moments, he saw a lanky man sitting in the branches of an oak tree overlooking the path. He had a crossbow pointed in the travellers' general direction.
"My friends and I are poor, we are hungry." The man grinned as four more foes emerged from the bushes. All looked well fed, and one was even munching on a block of cheese. They were all armed, too- two human men, one with a spear and the other with a mattock, a dwarf woman with a billhook and a female ork holding a staff sling.
"A good, religious man such as yerself'd surely not begrudge us his gold, eh? Maybe a roll or two with the girl as well." The man aimed his crossbow. "Chuck yer gold down in front of you, and you'll not be hurt."

Feigning terror, Hrothgar said "L-Lucretia? I think we should give these people what they need. Now!"
As he snapped this last word, he jumped to the side. A crossbow bolt slammed into the ground where he'd been standing mere moments before. His companion's arrow was much more successful, slamming into the crossbowman's chest. Lucretia ignored this. The moment it had left the string, she had reached for another arrow. The ork was too slow. Her slingshot flew harmlessly away into the trees as her lifeless fingers released the weapon, an arrow through her throat. The three remaining highwaymen charged. Lucretia shot the spearman before she was forced to drop her bow and go for her daggers. As she fought off the furied attacks of the two remaining attackers, Hrothgar chanted. The three bodies got up and began walking towards their old comrades. They fell upon the backs of the highwaymen, clawing and biting. Restrained and wounded, they could do nothing as Lucretia slit their throats.

As soon as the fight was over, Hrothgar released the spell and the zombies fell to the ground, lifeless once again. "Thank you, my dear." Smiling, he stroked Lucretia's cheek then kissed her. "Were you damaged?"
"Yes. Here." Lucretia's reply came in a flat monotone as she pointed to her left side, just under the armpit.
"Let me see." Hrothgar frowned as he inspected the wound. "Looks like that dwarf did this. Blade wound. It turned on the rib. A little stitching and you'll be fine."

Hrothgar smiled as he reached into his satchel and brought out his sewing kit. Soon the wound was expertly stitched shut, the highway robbers' bodies searched for coin and the necromancer and his pet were on the move once again.

Hrothgar smiled as he took a bite of cheese. Smoked. The man had had good taste.


Name: Lucretia

Gender: F

Race: Elf (Undead)

Age (years): 3 since reanimation, 96 at death.

Physical Description:
An elven woman with a lithe, athletic figure, standing at 6'1. She has black, lower back length hair and delicate facial features. Her skin is extremely pale, due to being drained of blood. Close inspection will most likely reveal the occasional wound or two, expertly sewn up. She wears leather boots, green trousers and a leather cuirass. A quiver hangs on her back. Personality: Lucretia doesn't really have a personality to be honest. She rarely speaks, and does whatever Hrothgar commands.

She was a highway robber. Then she attacked Hrothgar, died and woke up some time later. She still has all the skills she did when alive thanks to Hrothgar's magic.


  • Clothing: Leather boots, green trousers, leather cuirass
  • Two daggers
  • Recurve bow
  • Quiver with 12 broadhead arrows
  • Bedding roll, holding a sheet of canvas, some rope and two wool blankets
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