Javelin III RP- Aindrea Macbain

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Discussion thread


Name: Aindrea Macbain

Age: 26

Javelin crew, Nautilus crew, or other(bounty hunter): Javelin crew

Aindrea stands at 6'4 with a muscular athletic build. He has a strong chin and cheekbones, gray eyes and mid-back length mid-brown hair. His left arm is covered with a burn scar from just above the elbow to the shoulder. He wears combat boots, a kilt in Macbain tartan and a black Tshirt and a leather jacket, though this often comes off. Personality: Cheerful and friendly most of the time, though he does have a short temper, especially when drunk. Which is frequent. When in a fight, he tends to go berzerk. He also has a bit of a gambling problem. Though he's sworn off of it, it is still a problem for him if the situation arises.

The old money of the Macbain clan was running low by the 2500s, and the last son of the ancient line was a man cursed with a gambling problem. He frittered away the family estate and what was left of its fortune soon after inheriting, but was compelled to keep going. He kept gambling, hoping to get the big win and pay off his debts. Instead, he lost time and again, mounting up a huge amount of debt. Eventually, his creditors had had enough. They sent some men to his home to take as much repayment as they could, and beat the rest out of him. Three men entered his rented room. One left, carrying the one thing he hadn't sold: The Macbain family's most prized heirloom, a claymore that had been in the family for centuries. Aindrea knew more thugs would come, better armed and more determined. He headed for the spaceport and offered his services in the crew of any ship that would take him. Little did he know, the boys back home had put a bounty on his head. Not a particularly big one, but still a bounty none the less. A year or so later, a bounty hunter came looking. He was killed, but this event caused the captain to rethink his position on the crew. Aindrea was left at the next spaceport. at least they let him keep his pick of the bounty hunter's gear. Once again, he offered his services, this time telling the captain in advance of the money on his head. Luckily, he was accepted after a few failed applications into the crew of the Javelin.

As a side note, his name has caused people to think he was female until meeting him, after reading or hearing it. Chances are, he'll get mocked for this.


  • Claymore sword
  • Combat knife
  • Assault shotgun, with various different ammunition types
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