Six Heroes RP- Jessica Stuart

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Title: Scholar

Name: Jessica Stuart

Age: 29

Physical Description: Jessica stands at 5'7 tall. She's rather slim, with narrow hips, a flattish chest and very little by way of muscles. She has mid-back ginger hair which is usually done in a ponytail, though she sleeps with it loose. Jessica has a pale complexion, and has freckles dotted across her face and chest. She has high cheekbones and a pointy chin and wears braces. She also has heterochromia- her right eye is green, while her left is grey. She's wearing a large, threadbare grey T shirt, a gold crucifix pendant on a silver chain and a silver ring on her left index finger.

Brief History: At school, Jessica was considered a nerd, always engrossed in her work. Fact of the matter was she loved learning things. She was especially fascinated by the sciences. Her passion for knowledge paid off, and she left high school with near-top grades. She was accepted unconditionally into the college of her choice, studying chemistry with a minor in maths. During her time in college, Jessica decided that the best thing she could do was try to pass on her love of learning to others, so once she graduated she enrolled in a teacher training course. She loved it. Right from the start, Jessica knew she had chosen the perfect career for herself. once her course was completed, she was posted to a high school in suburban Mansfield, Ohio as a science teacher. There she's stayed ever since.

Equipment: As well as the T shirt and jewelry mentioned, she has Mr. Snufflopalous, a plushie duck-billed platypus that she's had since childhood.

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