Demon's Curse RP- Thomas Erlocke

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Discussion thread

Play thread


Name: Thomas Erlocke

Age: 31

Profession/Class: Archer

As well as being a highly skilled archer, Thomas is fairly skilled with sleight-of-hand tricks. He's also highly proficient with polearm type weapons and knives. Due to his archery, he is VERY strong.

Spells: Nowt.

Thomas stands at 5'10" and is highly muscular. Due to his profession, his right arm is far more heavily muscled than his left. He has a fairly swarthy complexion, with dark eyes and black hair. His hair is mid-back length and is usually tied back in a loose ponytail, while his unkempt, bushy beard reaches down to his chest. His nose is slightly crooked to the left and he has a scar on his right cheek, just below the cheekbone (Also, numerous others across his body, but this is most noteworthy.). As well as his armour, Thomas wears a simple brown tunic and trousers and a stout pair of hobnailed boots.

Thomas is friendly, fairly easygoing and highly loyal to his friends. Betray him though, and he'll hold a grudge for years. Though not particularly hotheaded, he's definitely not one to shy away from a fight.


  • Longbow with 200lb draw weight. 6'7" long, kept in a leather tube with a carrying strap when not in use.
  • Leather quiver holding numerous arrows of varying head types (If you want an exact number, that's fine. just say and I'll work it out.)
  • 4 1/2' Poleaxe
  • 12" seax
  • Folding knife, 3" blade
  • Steel sallet helmet. A small packet containing spare bowstrings is kept inside.
  • Padded leather jerkin
  • Hardened leather bracers
  • Satchel containing essentials such as food, spare arrowheads, bowstrings, etc.

History: Thomas grew up in a rural area of Tyrea, the son of a hunter. He followed his father's profession, learning to use the bow from an early age. At the age of seventeen, he was caught poaching on a local noble's land. He was given the choice of imprisonment and physical punishment or joining the Army. He gladly chose the latter. For the next fourteen years, he served his country well. Thomas rose through the ranks until he became a Sergeant of Archers. He also gained a reputation as a damn good shot, winning several competitions. Because of this reputation and his position in the Army, he was ordered to join the expedition to attack Evilyn's lair.

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