Recidivism Institution RP- Elijah van Rijn

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Name: Elijah van Rijn
Gender: M
Age: 27
Race: Human
Height: 6'1/2
Build: Wiry
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Time on World: Newly arrived


Amoral, greedy, amorous, quick to violence and dishonourable, van Rijn cares for no one but himself. While fearless when it comes to physical stuff, he's a definite coward when it comes to facing up to responsibilities and the consequences of his actions. Despite all these flaws, he does have a couple of redeeming features- he's determined and hard working, not stopping a task until it's done. He's a friendly sort, and as long as they're not trying to kill him, usually gets on well with others of his station.

Elijah was the son of the navigator of a merchant airship, travelling his entire life. His father tried to teach him the mysteries of navigation, but the lessons never stuck. Eli was bored by them, preferring to spend his time gambling, drinking or whoring. All in all, he was a feckless young man, and was kicked off the ship at the age of sixteen.
He hung around in the port city of Elutia for a few months before being recruited by the captain of the Fell Raven, a pirate ship. Eli was put in a grappler team, responsible for firing one of the grappling hooks used to ensnare the ship's victims. Over the years, he learned his trade well. maintaining and manning the grappler was much more interesting to him than navigation had ever been, and as his seniors died, left the crew or moved to other posts, he rose through the ranks, eventually becoming chief of the third port side grappler crew.

Home Dimension:
Askell, a world similar geographically, politically and culturally to 17 or 1800s Earth, only with more highly developed, steampunk-style technology. Europa is currently in an uneasy state of peace, having been so for seventeen years now. It's not expected to last long, as the myriad small countries that make up this continent are constantly bickering and/or fighting amongst themselves. The one nation that stays well clear of this is Rhus, a massive country whose xenophobic government has placed massive restrictions on interaction with the rest of the world. Throughout the rest of Askell's continents, Anaria, Afras, Arabia, Australasia and the Americas, the powers of Europa are spreading their influence, building empires. Travel between the continents is usually undertaken via steam and/or sail powered ships, or by airships. Both sea and sky are thick with pirates, especially around Afras, Australasia and the Americas.


  • Skilled fighter with cutlass, knife and gun
  • Has enough knowledge of mechanics to repair damaged mechanisms, etc.


  • Cutlass
  • Dirk
  • Revolver (6 bullets in cylinder, 12 spare)
  • Compressed air powered flechette rifle (Similar in appearance to this weapon, only without a scope and the stock is mostly made of metal, with lots of valves, a couple of dials, etc- the compression unit is built into it, you see.) (15 flechette rounds in clip, 3 spare clips)
  • Hip flask containing whiskey
  • Aviator goggles

Crime: Piracy

How you got caught:
The Fell Raven spotted a fat trading ship. The captain ordered it taken, and the pirates gave chase. The trader was slow and was soon overtaken. A couple of cannon shots were fired into it to pacify the crew, then the grapplers were fired, locking the two ships together. That was when it all went wrong.
The trader's true colours were revealed when the Fell Raven was pelted with grapeshot and volley fire, then soldiers were pouring aboard. It was a trap. The trader had been commandeered by the Bretonian Air Navy to lure unsuspecting pirates to their doom. Many died, but about one third of the crew was taken prisoner. While in their cells, the pirates were offered a deal- testify against their captain and instead of execution, they'd merely be sent to the Recidivism Institution. Elijah took the deal, gave damning testimony against his former captain and, his posessions returned to him, was sent off to the penal world.

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