Veritas High RP- Annah MacPerle

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Name: Annah MacPerle

Age: 17

Gender: F


Annah looks pretty much like what you'd expect a science geek or chess nerd to look like. Not surprising seeing as she was captain of her year's science club and a highly regarded member of the chess club in her old school. She has shoulder length mousy brown hair, a weak chin and thick glasses, behind which her brown eyes are usually set in a squint. She's also a bit of a pizzaface. Nothing major, but still, a couple of rather noticeable red areas. She stands at 5'8 and has a very skinny build, with pretty much nothing in the chest depoartment. When not in her labcoat, which is rare, she usually wears jeans and a grey sweater.


From a very young age, Annah showed signs of high intelligence. Growing up on a council estate in Scotland, this caused her no end of trouble, as the other children invariably picked on the smart kid. Although still bad, Annah found that things were slightly better at school, where she could socialise with other 'geeks'. Also, the bullies couldn't get her if she manipulated a teacher into protecting her. During both primary and secondary school, she excelled in all her subjects, especially maths and the sciences. In fact, she found the lessons to be basic and slow. She grew terribly impatient with the other children in her classes, adding to the frustration and hatred she felt towards most people. Instead of doing 'normal' things in her free time, she taught herself extra, scouring libraries and the internet for interesting information. During these searches, she became fascinated with the subject of robotics, fantasising that one day the insignificant peons she was forced to coexist with might be rendered obsolete by these magnificent machines. She also took speech lessons to rid herself of her Scots accent, which she saw as coarse and vulgar. Her diction is now that of upper-class England. She rarely, if ever, shortens words such as 'do not'. Upon leaving secondary school, Annah was accepted into a prestigious college after passing the entry exams with flying colours. Unfortunately, she only lasted a month or so. After being voted in as Captain of the First Year Science Club, she spent all her non-study time in the labs, working on something. The result of this was a robot. The incident involving it and a group of Second Years didn't go down well, and she was expelled. Shortly after, she was contacted by Veritas High.

Specialties/Powers: Annah is extremely intelligent and has a gift for science. Although good at all types of science, she truly excels at robotics.

Preferred Nemesis Type: Either an intelligent individual who she can lock wits with or a meathead hero type to ensnare and crush with the sheer force of her brilliant intellect.

Main Goal: Humanity is inefficient, wasteful and disgusting. Replacing it with robots would be true greatness.

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