Resident Evil RP Chistopher Morgan

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Personal Information

Name: Christopher John Morgan

Gender: M

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Other names you are known by: Chris

Age: 36

Picture / Description: Height: 6'1. Build: Muscular/stocky. Eye colour: Blue-green. Hair colour/cut: light brown, buzz-cut. Clothing: Standard UBCS uniform. Royal Marines insignia tattoo on upper right arm.


Employment desired: UBCS Squad leader or UBCS.

Skills relevant to applied position: Royal Marine 1988-1999. Basic and Commando training. Lance Corporal 1991-1997, Corporal 1997-1999. Squad leadership skills.

Weapon of Choice: M4 Carbine, Colt Double Eagle pistol


Past Employment:

24 November 1988 - May 28, 1999- Royal Marines.

2000-2001- Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (ALIR).

2002-2005- Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC).

2005-2006 Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)


Parents: Peter Morgan (June 24 1944 - Janurary 7 1995), Janet Morgan (Nee Price, May 3 1946-)

Siblings: Philip Morgan (April 14 1969-), Amy Morgan (1975-)

Criminal Records: Dishonourably discharged from Royal Marines for hospitalising a Military Police officer.


Born Portsmouth, England 19 October 1971.

1976-1981- Attended secondary school. Acheived avarage grades in O levels.

24 November 1988- Joined Royal Marines. Saw action in Northern Ireland and first Gulf War. Promoted to Lance Corporal 1991 and Corporal 1997.

May 28, 1999- Dishonourably discharged after hospitalising a Military Police officer in a bar brawl. Became a mercenary some point within the next year. Served in Columbia, Europe and Africa in combat and training roles.

August 7, 2006- Hired by UBCS.

Additional Information

How did you find out about this job opportunity:

Was contacted by a mercenary friend who had been recruited the previous year and told about UBCS currently hiring. As it was seen as 'legitimate' mercenary work (IE he gets to fight, ETC but it's actually legal) with comparatively good rates of pay, he applied.


Quick to anger, often resorts to violence and brute force to solve a problem. Will rarely, if ever, put up with people who are annoying him unless they're in a position of power, especially if he's armed. Takes pleasure in intimidating people. Has been desensitised to the horrors of war (and zombie outbreaks) by his experiences as a marine, a mercenary and a UBCS member. Enjoys the life-or-death thrill of combat and often gets into fights when off-duty. Drinks and smokes more than he should. Greedy.

What song best describes you: Drowning Pool- Soldiers

Personal Motto: War for cash and pleasure.

RP Sample

Morgan walked down the corridor, rifle at the ready. Power in this area was unreliable- the lights flickered every now and then. Up ahead, he heard voices. He signalled for his two comrades to halt. They waited. A few moments later, a group of civilians walked into view. There were four of them, three males, one female. One of the men had a pistol, another was holding a fire axe. The other two were unarmed. "HALT!" The pistol-wielding civilian pointed his weapon at them. The woman gasped and jumped back. The axeman said "Thank God, someone else that's not... like them. We thought we were the only ones left." "Put the weapons down and put your hands on your head." The man with the pistol hesitated, then lowered his weapon. "I said put the f***ing weapon down. On the floor. You too." The axeman complied, but the other man refused. "No f***in' way. I ain't goin' unarmed. Not with those [i]things[/i] runnin' round. You ain't ma-" He was cut off as Chris took a step forward and clubbed him in the side of the head with the butt of his rifle. He fell to the floor with a cry. Chris kicked the pistol away and pointed his weapon at the man's head. "Al. Get the gun. Dimitri, check 'em." One of the other UBCS picked up the man's pistol and shoved it into a pocket. The other began searching the group for any bite marks or anything else suspicious. All of them had been bitten, the axeman in the left forearm, the pistol wielder in the right upper arm, the unarmed man on both hands and the woman on the leg. "Vhat do ve do vis zem?" asked Dimitri.

"You know the plan." replied Chris. "They're infected. So they're dangerous. Kill 'em." With that, he put a bullet through the pistolman's head. The other two opened fire as well. They checked the bodies to make sure they had been eliminated, then Chrisd said "Ok, let's move." The three men continued down the corridor.

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