Pillars of Salt RP- Salieri Tenga

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Name: Salieri Tenga, AKA Fat Salieri, Fat Sal.

Gender: Male

Race: Human


Salieri Tenga is one of the desert's many traders. Judging by his fine clothes and immense girth, he's quite good at it. Intelligent, cheerful brown eyes look out of a chubby face roofed by thinning black hair. Salieri almost always wears at least some gold jewelery, usually rings and a chain or pendant. He wears large, brightly coloured flowing silk robes. Concealed in their folds is at least one purse filled with money. Salieri gets tired easily and so chooses to travel by palanquin or carriage for most medium to long trips instead of walking. When in Canaan, he often holds banquets at his house. He is always charming and polite, the perfect gentleman. Anyone would think he'd never hurt a fly. This is a deliberate façade, designed to lull people into a false sense of security and put them at ease. In reality, he is a ruthless and determined businessman, not hesitating at a chance to make a profit, even if it means ruining someone else. The banquets are perfect chances to do business, sealing deals and making new contacts. He trades in all manner of goods, from the mundane to the exotic, but a large percentage of his profits comes from trading in relics. He doesn't care who he sells to- there are many bandits who proudly carry a firearm sold to them by Fat Sal. Although trade in relics is illegal, Salieri has managed to get away with it so far using a combination of bribes, blackmail and secrecy, using many of his legitimate businesses as a front. He owns properties in almost every major settlement. Due to his wealth, Salieri travels with two bodyguards. He is travelling to Canaan because the annual festival is normally a golden oppurtunity for profit. This year, Salieri thinks it will be even more profitable still. A caravan of Salieri's goods is following him to Canaan, but he chose to go ahead by train because of the speed and luxury it provides.


Salieri has a definite way with words. He is a master of putting people at ease and calming tense situations, and can swindle most people, with them thinking they got a bargain. Not that he'd ever swindle anybody, of course.

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