Beyond The Black- Firefly RPG- Viktor Schlusser

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Revision as of 02:06, 25 October 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Name: Viktor Schlusser



Age: 30

Height: 6'4

Weight: 200lbs

General Appearance:

Schlusser has a strong, muscular build. He is bald with a short goatee, the colour of which is dark brown. His eyes are pale blue, in a hard face with high cheekbones and a crooked nose. He has a scar running along the left side of his jaw as well as several others in various places on his body, especially on the forearms and chest. His arms and upper chest are heavily tattooed. A chunk of his right earlobe is missing. He normally wears a tank top, combat boots and brown combat trousers with a thick belt. All in all, the general appearance is definitely not appealing.


Unlike the majority of the crew, Viktor fought in the war on the side of the Alliance, for a time at least. He was known as a sadistic, violent man back on his home world, and when he signed up to fight, everyone was happy- the Alliance military because they had yet another grunt, the folks back home because they were finally rid of him and Viktor himself because he'd get to fight and kill. Several years passed, during which Viktor's reputation as a savage fighter back home was proven in the military, both against the Browncoats and against his comrades off-duty. It was this second bit that proved to be problematic. One day, he killed a couple of guys in a bar fight. Knowing he'd be in deep trouble if caught, he fled. Gathering what little supplies and weaponry he could, he deserted. He stowed away on a civilian vessel and escaped the moon he was stationed on, eventually making his way to the Browncoats. Viktor didn't care one iota who he was fighting- he was addicted to the adrenaline rush of combat, enthralled by killing. He fought just as well for the Browncoats as the Alliance, brawling among them just as well too. Fast forward a few years and the war's ended. Viktor stayed in the outlying worlds, not daring to venture into the Core very often for fear of being caught and executed. He worked as best he could with his skills, taking various mercenary and bounty hunting jobs. Eventually, he was hired by the captain of the [SHIP NAME], and has been a member of the crew ever since.


  • Machete
  • Billhook
  • Combat knife
  • Light machine gun
  • Pistol X2
  • Gun case
  • Gun cleaning kit


Agility 8

Strength 8

Vitality 8

Alertness 6

Intelligence 6

Willpower 8

Derived Attributes

Life Points = Vitality + Willpower = 16

Initiative = Alertness + Agility = d6 +d8

Burst of Strength = Strength + Strength = d8 + d8

Endurance = Vitality + Willpower = d8 + d8

Get Out of Harm's Way = Agility + Alertness = d8 + d6

Long Haul = Strength + Vitality = d8 + d8

Memorize = Intelligence + Alertness = d6 + d6

Recall = Intelligence + Willpower = d6 + d8

Resistance = Vitality + Vitality = d8 + d8


Fightin' Type (Major) MAJ

Intimidatin' Manner (Minor) MIN

Lightin' Reflexes (Major) MAJ

Tough as Nails (Min/Maj) MAJ

Two-Fisted (Major) MAJ


Branded (Min/Maj) MIN

Chip on the Shoulder (Min/Maj) MAJ

Sadistic (Major) MAJ

Twitchy (Minor) MIN

Ugly as Sin (Min/Maj) MIN


Athletics d6

Covert d2

Discipline d2

Guns d6 (Pistols d10, Machine Guns d12)

Influence d4

Knowledge d2

Melee Combat Weapon d6 (Blades d10)

Perception d6

Ranged Weapons d2

Survival d4

Unarmed Combat d6 (Brawling d8)

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