DreamWeavers RP- Seamus O'Rourke

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Revision as of 20:55, 9 October 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Name: Seamus O'Rourke

Life before change:

Age: 34

Gender: male

Appearence: 6'5, muscular build. Buzz-cut black hair. Tattoo on upper right arm. Usually wears combat trousers, boots and a black Tshirt.


Before he fell into his coma, Seamus was competitive, slightly vain about his body, and extremely macho. A bit of an ass, one would think. However, he also had a strong sense of honour and felt it was his duty to help and protect those who weren't as able as him, whether this meant helping an old lady cross the street or beating the snot out of a mugger.


Seamus lived in Dublin, where he worked as a bouncer at a nightclub. He worked out often, both at a gym and at home. He took part in many sports, including football (soccer), rugby, hurling, kayaking, running, ETC, as well as a couple of martial arts at basic level. He also regularly entered amateur bodybuilding competitions, which he usually did well in, rarely coming below fourth place. He recently broke up with a girlfriend, Mary. He was weightlifting at the gym when he passed out, and was lucky someone saw him, as the weight's bar landed on his neck and quite probably would have choked him to death had it not been removed.

Life after change

Age: appears to be in mid teens

Gender: F

Appearence: 5'7, slim build. Dark brown hair, halfway-down-back length. Eyes are completely dark purple. Wearing black skirt and red crop top (Similar in style to this one) at start of RP, but will probably change into something else as soon as possible.


All of his old personality shows in the 'new' Seamus, but the change in his appearance has left him shaken and shocked. He refuses to accept that this new body is permanent, or that he is now female. Because of this, he'll get rather angry if someone calls him 'she', he's keeping his old, unmistakably male, name and will change into some more masculine clothes at the first oppurtunity.

Special Abilities: White magic, knowledge of martial arts.

Notable events/changes that occurred in the RP

  • Seamus has been cursed. The curse forces her to behave in a much more feminine manner. As well as just acting more girly in general, she must speak and act politely when in another person's presence. She is unable to fight, as that would be unladylike, but her white magic is unaffected. A side effect of the curse is that Seamus perceives things as if from a distance, with a clouded mind.
  • Seamus was given a portable meeting stone and a large brown sack with a large leather strap by Tori. She is now wearing it. as well as the stone, the sack contains some money, a hairbrush, some makeup and perfume.
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