Endgame RP- Cyril Johnson

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Name: Cyril Johnson

Age: 89

Gender: M




Cyril can usually be found doing one or more of his three favourite passtimes- sleeping, watching the world go by or whittling. He's seen and done much in his long life, and is now usually content to take a more passive role, letting the younger generations do what they will. He just wants to have peace in his twilight years. Cyril is usually amiable and friendly (Unless you woke him from a nap without a damn good reason.), and often has a mint or story for anyone who would converse with him.


  • Can play the hell out of a harmonica.
  • Can whittle the hell out of a bit of wood.
  • Can fall asleep anywhere if he wants to.
  • Is a fairly good mechanic.
  • Used to be a fairly good shot with a rifle. Whether he can still shoot or not is unknown- he hasn't fired a weapon in around 50 years.
  • Has basic knowledge and skills of many varied tasks and professions.


Cyril was born some point after WW1 ended in Alliance, Nebraska in a middle class family. He had a good childhood, up until 1929. That was when the Great Depression started. His parents lost their jobs early on, and his teenage years were ones of great hardship. Cyril had to work whenever he could, doing whatever work he could find, to help provide for the family, as did his two brothers. When the economy improved in the late 1930s, life became a little easier, but was still tough, and when America joined the war in 1941, all three Johnson brothers joined up, Cyril in the Army, his elder brother Walter in the USAAF and his younger brother Stephen in the Marines. Stephen was killed in 1943 on Guadalcanal, Walter lost an arm when his bomber was shot down and Cyril was wounded during the D-Day landings. During his recuperation, he met a pretty nurse called Betty. They fell in love and, when the war ended, married. Betty lived near Pullman, Washington, and the couple decided to live there instead of Cyril's native Nebraska. Cyril got a job as a mechanic, the couple raised a couple of kids, all was happy. Until the Vietnam War started. His two sons were drafted into the US Army and both were killed- The eldest, Paul, got his legs blown off by a Viet Cong land mine and bled to death before medics could get to him and the younger son, Alan, was shot by a sniper in Hue. Betty was never the same after that. She took to taking drugs (Medical ones- antidepressants, ETC, not illegal stuff.), her behaviour became increasingly strange and erratic, and Cyril didn't know what to do. Things came to a head in the summer of 1970 when Betty attempted suicide. After a psychological examination, she was committed to a mental institution. Cyril couldn't bear living in their old house after that- too many sad memories. He sold it and took to wandering. Eventually, he settled down in a small town roughly in the middle of the triangle made by Storrs, Willimantic and Hartford. He stayed there ever since, content to grow old there. And grow old he did. Now, only 11 years off being a century old, he's slow and relys on a cane. He used to tend to a small but lush garden, but his advancing years have forced him to give this up, as the near constant bending put too much strain on his back.

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